What Is Thrombectomy? Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy
Thrombectomy is a procedure to remove a blood clot from an artery. The procedure is often combined with other treatments such as thrombolysis, which uses medication to break down the blood clot. It can also be used to treat other underlying conditions, such as a heart rhythm disorder. Thrombectomy has several benefits over other thrombosis treatments, including reduced risk, shorter hospital stays, and less discomfort.
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In addition to preventing stroke, thrombectomy can help reverse brain damage in patients who have experienced an acute ischemic stroke. Previously, a patient had to undergo a surgical thrombectomy within six hours of the stroke, but new guidelines extend the window of time for thrombectomy treatment. This includes patients who had the stroke while sleeping and awoke to experience symptoms. If the stroke is a symptom of plaque buildup, thrombectomy is not recommended.
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During a thrombectomy, a thin plastic tube is inserted, typically through an artery in the groin. This tube is filled with a contrast agent to help doctors see blood vessels on X-ray images. A small device called a thrombus-removal device is then moved through the catheter to the blood vessel in the affected area of the brain. The clot is removed from the blood vessel and normal blood flow is restored. A nurse is present during the procedure.
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While thrombectomy has many benefits, it does come with risks. The procedure is not suitable for everyone. However, 8 out of every 20 patients will recover with less disability than those who did not undergo it. Some patients have serious medical conditions and cannot undergo thrombectomy because of the risk of an allergic reaction or permanent damage to their kidneys. You should discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor before you undergo the procedure.
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A thrombectomy can last anywhere from one to three hours, depending on the severity of the clot. During the procedure, your relative may experience some restlessness or nausea. A sedative drug will help the relative settle down. A relative can also be left with a contact number for the doctor. Immediately following thrombectomy, a doctor will call you or the patient's family to explain the procedure, the outcome, and the next steps in their care.
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A patient undergoing a thrombectomy will be monitored for a few hours in the recovery room after the procedure. A physician may prescribe pain medication to help the recovery process. Afterward, you may be required to stay overnight at the hospital or even for a day. You should not smoke, or consume a lot of alcohol or other medications the day before the procedure. A doctor will explain the next steps and how long they will take to complete the procedure.
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Direct thrombectomy devices are classified according to how they remove thrombuses. Direct thrombectomy devices are best for large thrombi, but often are not capable of removing the target thrombus. A hydrodynamic catheter speeds up the action of a fibrinolytic pharmacological therapy. Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage from a thrombectomy procedure is rare, but can occur if the patient has a high platelet count on admission.
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If your relative is too ill to provide informed consent, it is important that you have a conversation about the procedure before you get any treatment. During this conversation, doctors will review your loved one's known beliefs and wishes. Moreover, they will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with you. When possible, your loved one's wishes and preferences will be taken into account. A thorough discussion will ensure that the procedure is done in your relative's best interests.
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In addition to removing a clot, a doctor may also perform an embolectomy. If the clot lodges in a vein, it can block the flow of blood to an organ. The affected organs can suffer a heart attack, gangrene, and even loss of limb. Both procedures are life-saving, so make sure you have one performed by a skilled and experienced doctor.