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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What Is Cerebrovascular Infarction? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction

A cerebrovascular event is characterized by an ischemic area in the brain that causes a focal neurologic deficit. Other types of infarction include pulmonary infarction, which is characterized by localized necrosis of lung tissue. Clinical manifestations of pulmonary infarction range from subclinical to pleuritic chest pain and tachycardia. In both cases, blood flow to the affected tissue is restored after initial lack of blood flow.

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The symptoms of cerebral infarction depend on the part of the brain that is affected. Most patients experience weakness on one side of the body, loss of sensation, and distorted eye movements. Other signs of cerebral infarction involve abnormal pupil dilation and light reaction. Infarction of the left side of the brain can result in slurred speech and aggravated reflexes. However, a doctor may determine if your symptoms are due to a different type of cerebral infarction.

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Silent infarcts are less common than symptomatic infarcts and are associated with similar risk factors. Although they may not be accompanied by symptoms, these cases offer information about the natural history of cerebrovascular disease. A doctor should look for specific risk factors, the presence of brain infarction, and the nature of cardiovascular-blood disease in patients. If a patient has a history of TIA, it is likely to be related to a silent infarct.

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While the study found no significant association between asymptomatic vascular disease and a first-onset cerebral infarction, it was notable that the frequency of stroke-related ischemic conditions was higher among young adults. Despite the lack of specific risk factors, vascular disease and a family history of stroke were significant predictors of a cerebral infarction. While the exact cause of cerebral infarction remains elusive, the study results suggest that a combination of factors may influence the risk of a stroke.

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When assessing cerebral infarction, physicians often use CT or MRI to diagnose the disease. This test allows physicians to determine the extent of the infarct and the best form of treatment. When the symptoms of cerebral infarction are subtle, a doctor may also perform an MRI or PET to determine the cause of the disease. These exams are not routinely used, but they can help a doctor identify the cause of a stroke and guide treatment.

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Acute cerebral infarction can be treated with a variety of medications. During the first three to four days after an infarct, medications called thrombolytics can reduce the risk of the stroke. This treatment is effective in reducing the death of brain cells. There are also a number of surgical procedures, such as a hemicraniectomy. In severe cases, surgical resection of infarcted tissue, if necessary.

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An acute ischemic infarction can be distinguished from a brain tumor by the presence of characteristic imaging findings. MRI may also show an ill-defined lesion with mass effect and parenchymal enhancement. This type of infarction can be difficult to differentiate from a hemorrhagic brain tumor, but DWI is essential in this setting. It shows a higher level of hyperintensity in the area of the brain affected.

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Chronic meningitis can also cause a cerebral infarction, but its rate of death and morbidity is high. In addition to being associated with significant morbidity and mortality, TBM is associated with many neurological complications such as hydrocephalus and seizures. Fortunately, cerebral infarction can be diagnosed early, which increases the chances of survival and improves treatment. If the symptoms are severe, ventricular decompression can be performed.

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Premorbid vascular disease cannot be differentiated by radiologic features, but clinical features are helpful in assessing the risk for the condition. Patients with leukemia are at risk for small vessel thrombosis. Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are often found with fluctuating global encephalopathy, multifocal neurologic deficits, and abnormal coagulation profiles. In such cases, the patient can be treated with heparin anticoagulation.

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Although the risk of hemorrhagic stroke is low, the treatment of TIA is not any different than the treatment for major stroke. Despite the fact that the symptoms of TIA are similar to those of a full stroke, they are considered an indication of a larger underlying problem. Patients with a TIA should seek emergency medical care, as ten to fifteen percent of these individuals will experience a major stroke within three months of their initial symptoms.

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If you suspect that you have a stroke, consult a medical professional immediately. Although lifestyle changes cannot completely prevent the risk of a stroke, they can reduce the risk. Smoking is one habit that increases the risk of a stroke, but quitting can help. Heavy alcohol consumption also raises blood pressure and can lead to a stroke. If you're having difficulty quitting alcohol, seek medical assistance. It may take some time, but it's crucial to stop drinking alcohol.

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