What is an Embolic Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
An embolic stroke is a type of stroke that is caused by a clot. The clot can be either made of fibrin or cholesterol. These substances can cause a stroke, and they account for 30 percent of all strokes. If this happens to you, call an ambulance as soon as possible. Your doctor will administer clot-busting medications and may even place a catheter into the affected artery.
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The symptoms and signs of embolic stroke are largely similar to those of a traditional ischemic stroke, but the source is less clear. The cause of embolic stroke is not always easily identifiable, as the majority of elderly stroke patients have multiple comorbidities. A full assessment is critical to rule out a different etiology and determine the correct course of treatment. If you suspect an embolic stroke, consider consulting a neurologist immediately.
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The new term for embolic stroke is "embolic stroke of an unknown source". This term is also used to describe a type of ischemic nonlumen infarct. However, embolic stroke does not have the same clinical meaning as cryptogenic stroke, which includes patients with multiple etiologies and incomplete diagnostic workups. The new term makes it easier to run randomized controlled trials in this population.
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A CT or MRI scan is often performed to determine the exact cause of an embolic stroke. MRI scans, which utilize radio frequency pulses to visualize the inside of the vessel walls, can also be helpful. Other tests may include blood tests to assess the risk of stroke and help your doctor determine the best treatment. If the artery is narrowed, a surgeon may perform a carotid endarterectomy to open it. Stents can be used to keep it open.
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An embolic stroke can be prevented by preventing or monitoring risk factors. While you can't control the way blood clots move, you can take steps to minimize your risk. It is important to see your doctor regularly. Monitoring your condition and following doctor's recommendations are two of the best ways to limit the risks of an embolic stroke. The prevention of stroke can save lives and limit the effects of the disease. If you or a family member is at risk for stroke, consult your doctor today to find out what you can do to minimize the chances of an embolic stroke.
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Another type of stroke is called hemorrhagic stroke. It happens when a blood vessel in the brain becomes narrowed. A clogged artery can also cause a blood clot to travel through the bloodstream and lodge in the brain. The blockage prevents blood from reaching the brain, and the brain cells die. There are three types of strokes: hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, and embolic stroke.
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In the first few days after a patient experiences an embolic stroke, the symptoms and the cause of the problem can be very different from those of a traditional stroke. The symptoms are different for both types of stroke, depending on the location of the blood clots in the brain and how large the infarcted areas are. Symptoms of a classic embolic stroke are mainly the same, except that the signs and symptoms tend to accumulate over time.
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The presentation of an embolic stroke patient varies based on which part of the brain is affected. Patients with small vessel disease may also exhibit different symptoms. A recent study suggests that the presence of altered consciousness is more likely to be a sign of a cardioembolic infarction than one of an embolic stroke. Therefore, a person presenting with symptoms of an embolic stroke in the emergency department should have his or her brain scanned to rule out stroke mimics.
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One-third of all ischemic strokes have no identifiable cause. Researchers proposed a new term for this condition, Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source, which is a subtype of the classic ischemic strokes. This new term is used to differentiate it from other causes, including large artery atherosclerosis or cardiogenic embolism. A current study examined the clinical features and infarct site characteristics of patients with EUS.