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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What is a Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Stroke

Several tests are used to diagnose a stroke. A CT scan, also known as a carotid duplex scan, is a noninvasive procedure that takes a picture of the brain and its arteries. The doctor can determine if there's bleeding, damage, or other conditions in the brain. He or she will also use an electrocardiogram to determine if clots have blocked the arteries to the brain.

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There are two major types of stroke: ischaemic stroke and ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is accompanied by overt symptoms; silent stroke has no symptoms. In addition to stroke, other types of bleeding, including intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage, are considered strokes. A newer definition of stroke incorporates tissue and clinical criteria, and will be used in research, practice, and assessments of public health.

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Symptoms of stroke may include difficulty speaking or understanding speech, numbness, or weakness, which may make it difficult to function. The affected part of the brain may also affect a person's ability to see or read, or to socialise. People may also feel tired and experience memory loss, confusion, or other problems. In addition, if stroke victims experience any of these symptoms, it's best to seek medical attention. However, the condition is not always recognizable and there's a possibility it's a sign of a larger stroke.

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A person with a stroke may need help with daily activities and home safety. Speech and language therapists can help the person relearn to speak again or find new ways to communicate. Occupational therapists can also help people who have difficulty with communication or cognitive skills. Occupational therapists can also help stroke survivors regain their ability to manage their emotions and thoughts. Some people may find it difficult to eat or go to the bathroom. Physical therapists and occupational therapists can help with these common symptoms.

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Fortunately, most strokes are preventable with a few lifestyle changes and medical treatments. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking can reduce the risk of a stroke. If you're struggling to quit, ask a doctor's advice. Limiting your saturated fats and limiting your red meat intake can also help lower your blood pressure. Heavy alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for stroke. See a physician for advice on quitting if you're having trouble quitting.

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As the risk of a stroke increases with age, it is important to seek treatment as quickly as possible. Getting treatment in the first few hours of a stroke can minimize the chance of permanent brain damage or even death. If you're not able to get medical help immediately, call 911. If your stroke is suspected, start CPR right away while you wait for an ambulance. A doctor will likely give you tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) to dissolve the blood clot. To have a chance to reverse the effects of the stroke, the tPA must be administered within 4.5 hours of the onset of symptoms.

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Symptoms of a stroke can include confusion, difficulty writing or swallowing. If you suspect that you're experiencing one, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room. A medical team at the hospital will assess the patient and administer medication or surgery to improve the condition. Depending on the severity of your stroke, rehabilitation may also be recommended. The Mayo Clinic can give you expert advice and free health information. Its free health services help you manage your health.

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The treatment for a stroke will depend on its severity and the type of stroke. The doctor may prescribe blood thinners, medicine to control high blood pressure, or surgery to unclog a carotid artery, which leads to the brain. During the treatment process, the goal is to restore function and prevent the stroke from happening again. When the patient has recovered, he or she will be on medication to prevent the stroke from happening again.

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Imaging studies help physicians determine the cause of a stroke. A radiographic image helps doctors identify the location, size, shape, and extent of a vascular lesion. The MRI scan, on the other hand, can show abnormalities in blood constituents or brain perfusion. The results of a CT scan can also show whether the stroke has a specific cause. If a patient has a previous stroke or a TIA, radiographic imaging can help them identify it.

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Smoking increases the risk of a stroke. Cigarette smoke damages blood vessels and increases blood pressure, a major contributor to high blood pressure. Genetic factors may also increase the risk for stroke. Women and older people are more at risk than men and are more likely to suffer a stroke. Stroke is more common among African Americans, American Indians, and Alaskans. So, while stroke may strike any age, it's not unusual to have one.

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