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What is a Mild Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Mild Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The term "mild stroke" is used loosely, and it has not been agreed on by medical professionals. The specific definition of mild stroke varies widely between centers and treating practitioners. According to one study, a mild stroke was defined as NIHSS score of 0 to 5 (in the case of the TREAT-derived mild stroke definition, this score is 0-3). The other study used an NIHSS score of 0 to 3 and found that 9% of patients were diagnosed as having mild stroke.

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Although people with a mild stroke are less likely to be afflicted with a major complication, identifying the onset of such a condition early increases the odds of a full recovery. The optimal time to initiate therapeutic measures is within 3-6 hours, allowing for the restoration of all body functions. Symptoms of mild stroke are typically temporary and may include impairment of balance and fine motor skills. But these symptoms do not mean that a stroke has occurred.

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A person with a mild stroke may have mental health problems after the event. They may experience trouble performing complex activities or even remembering appointments. In addition to physical symptoms, many patients experience depression and anxiety. People who have mild strokes have an increased risk of having another stroke. Even if they experience only one symptom, the damage caused by the event will continue to manifest itself over the course of time. If you are experiencing one of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately to ensure proper treatment.

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There is no standard definition for a mild stroke. Many health professionals refer to such stroke as a minor stroke. Other medical professionals use the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, a score of 1 or higher on each item is indicative of mild stroke. There are other criteria, though. A mild stroke with severe impairment of mobility and vision is likely not classified as a minor stroke. And the most common symptoms include paralysis, speech impediment, and vision loss.

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People who awake with symptoms of a mild stroke are generally not eligible for revascularization therapy because they have not yet begun waking up. But there is a diurnal variation in stroke onset, likely due to circadian rhythms and a rise in blood pressure. Therefore, strokes occurring in the morning indicate a stroke that occurred shortly before the patient woke up. Fortunately, modern imaging techniques allow doctors to identify those people who are at risk for thrombolysis or thrombectomy.

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Patients suffering from a mild stroke are not typically discharged to a rehabilitation facility. They must continue with at-home therapy. This at-home therapy is often required in order to maximize the effects of outpatient rehab. A combination of inpatient and at-home therapies is necessary for the recovery of patients with a mild stroke. While the timetable for a mild stroke may vary, recovery rates are high. A mild stroke is often treated and managed in less than a month.

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The symptoms of a stroke include difficulty speaking and transferring limbs. If you suspect you or a loved one has had a stroke, call 911 right away. If the symptoms of a stroke are severe, call a medical provider or emergency room immediately to receive treatment. A mini stroke, also called a TIA or transient ischemic attack, does not typically result in permanent brain damage, but it is still important to seek immediate medical attention.

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A TIA is similar to a stroke in that it occurs when blood flow is interrupted to the brain. Depending on the extent of damage, it will affect various parts of the brain. The most common cause of a stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel that supplies the brain. In some cases, plaque builds up inside the artery wall and makes it large enough to block normal blood flow. If the blood flow to the brain is obstructed for any reason, it will result in a stroke.

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In addition to physical symptoms, mild stroke survivors also experience sleep disturbances, psychosocial impairments, and fatigue. Despite the prevalence of these symptoms, many patients incorrectly assume that they have made a full recovery. Furthermore, a lack of mental health screening tools limits clinical practice. This situation creates a need for further research. For example, healthcare professionals should educate themselves about the psychological problems that affect mild stroke survivors. If they notice any of these symptoms, they should consider the possible psychiatric conditions in mild stroke patients and be ready to treat them accordingly.

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