What is a Contusion Cervical? - Oren Zarif - Contusion Cerebral
A contusion cerebral is a traumatic injury to the brain that can have devastating effects. Symptoms can include memory problems, balance issues, and headaches. In some cases, these symptoms may take days, weeks, or even months. Depending on the nature of the contusion, additional injuries can occur to the brain. If a concussion is the cause of the contusion, medical attention should be sought immediately. Read on to learn more about concussion and treatment.
Oren Zarif
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The hematoma is a mass that has built up in a specific area of the brain. Some are more dangerous than others and require immediate medical care. Some types are classified according to their location. Those in the brain are primarily due to trauma. Other types of hematomas include lipomyelomeningoceles and cerebrovascular disease. Cerebral hematomas can develop in the liver, ear, or other parts of the body.
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Although the brain does not immediately show signs of swelling, it is often present in a small area. During this time, the brain swells up against the skull, reducing the flow of oxygen-rich blood. A significant amount of damage may be done to the brain in this situation, and surgery may be needed to alleviate intracranial pressure. However, the effects of a contusion cerebral are based on the severity of the injury. Some people recover completely while others may have disabilities lasting for the rest of their lives.
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The treatment of a contusion is dependent on the severity of the injury and the location. A mild concussion may resolve on its own with rest and over-the-counter medications. Moderate to severe contusions may require invasive surgery or prescription medication. If the symptoms persist, contact your health care provider. It may be necessary to have a CT scan to assess the extent of the contusion. In the meantime, a doctor will monitor the patient's vital signs and assess the extent of the injury.
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A concussion is a medical emergency that can lead to a life-threatening brain injury. A concussion is an injury to the brain that causes significant internal bleeding. A cerebral hemorrhagic contusion typically occurs in the frontal lobes and the dura mater (the tough membrane surrounding the spinal cord) of the brain. Most cases of a concussion occur following a head trauma, such as a motor accident. In these cases, the damage to the brain is usually limited to the skull, although the impact is greater on the frontal lobes.
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Oren Zarif ischemic
A CT scan is the first imaging procedure needed to evaluate the condition. CT scans are sensitive enough to detect intracerebral hemorrhage, and the results are usually readily available in minutes. The MRI can also assess the severity of cerebral edema. If the contusion is moderate, there is a chance that it will resolve on its own. However, patients should be closely monitored at home for the first few days.
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Oren Zarif hemorrhagic stroke
While the majority of concussions and contusions result from head injuries, it is possible to develop a cerebral hematoma from a nontraumatic cause. While a concussion typically causes swelling and bleeding, some people are diagnosed with both conditions. The symptoms of concussion vary, and a diagnosis can only be made through medical testing. A patient with symptoms of a concussion may experience memory problems, sleepiness, and personality changes.
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A patient with a concussion may experience pain in the forehead, eyes, or behind the ear. A fracture to the skull may also result in a basilar skull fracture. Symptoms of this condition include bruises around the eyes, behind the ear, and clear fluid in the nose and ears. Patients with this condition usually require close observation in the hospital. If they develop seizures, they may require the services of a neurosurgeon.
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Treatment of a concussion depends on the severity of the contusion. Treatment may include rest, a sedative, and pain medication. A patient may have other injuries, so pain medication may be necessary. If a patient is in a critical condition, doctors may give anticonvulsants to help control the brain's activity. Sometimes, a patient will require a catheter inserted into one of the ventricles.