What Happens If You Suffer a Head Injury? - Oren Zarif - Head Injury
If you have sustained a head injury, your doctor may immediately send you to the emergency room. Your doctor will take your medical history, and examine your head, neck, and face. A concussion can cause mental confusion and disorientation, so your doctor will likely perform a battery of tests to assess your condition. These tests may include testing your memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Severe head injuries may require a brain scan. For mild head injuries, you can take Tylenol to treat the swelling, and you can try applying a cold pack to reduce swelling. However, you should avoid taking NSAIDs and other medications that can alter your mental state.
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There are two basic types of head injuries: closed and open. Open head injuries occur when an object penetrates the brain, such as a piece of glass from a windshield or a bullet from a gunshot. Closed head injuries are generally more benign and do not involve penetration of the dura. Symptoms of a severe head injury include an intense headache, bloody fluid coming out of the nose, and drowsiness. Serious head injuries can also result in memory loss and slurred speech.
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It is important to see a doctor for any head injury, even if you are not aware of its cause. Your physician will ask about the details of your injury and your medical history. He or she may even suggest you stay in the hospital for a day or two while your health is monitored. If your doctor thinks you've sustained a head injury, he or she will determine what treatment is appropriate. However, this is not the only medical treatment you need.
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Depending on the type of head injury, your doctor may perform some additional tests to determine the exact cause of the injury. A CT scan will reveal whether there are fractures or bleeding in the brain. An MRI, on the other hand, uses radio waves without the use of X-rays. Treatment for a head injury is based on your symptoms and the severity of the injury. You should also be aware of falling and wearing a helmet to protect your head from injuries.
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A minor head injury can result in a concussion, which is an impact to the brain. A person who has a concussion is likely to remain conscious, but may lose their balance and vision for a short period of time. A serious head injury, on the other hand, may cause a skull fracture. A fracture of the skull may result in bleeding inside the brain and may cause serious symptoms. Those symptoms may last for days or weeks.
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In addition to these physical injuries, there are a number of common causes of brain damage, including falls, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, athletics, and assaults with or without weapons. Throughout the United States, 1.5 to two million children and adults suffer from head injuries. These injuries are considered a normal risk for playing sports, but if left untreated, head injuries can cause permanent disabilities and even death. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injuries, and many are preventable.
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If you have multiple head injuries, you should not return to the sport until you recover fully. This can affect your reaction time, ability to think, and ability to perform tasks. Even if you are able to return to the sport, your symptoms may persist for a while. In addition to the physical symptoms, the emotional symptoms that can occur from repeated head injuries may affect your ability to perform tasks. Counseling and medications can help you cope with emotional symptoms.
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A head injury can range from a bump on the skull to a traumatic brain injury. Common types include concussions, skull fractures, and scalp wounds. The severity and treatment of head injuries depends on the type of injury and its cause. Typically, a closed head injury will not involve any break in the skull while an open head injury involves a fracture of the skull and an object entering the brain. Open head injuries are more severe and may require immediate medical care.