What Happens After a Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Stroke
Several aspects of a person's life can change after a stroke. The affected part of the brain no longer works properly. For this reason, a stroke victim may have problems with walking, talking, eating, and understanding and memorizing things. As the affected part of the brain is no longer functioning properly, the stroke victim will need to re-learn these functions. This treatment may include occupational therapy. Physical therapy may also include occupational therapy and rehabilitation in a skilled nursing home.
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If a patient is unable to speak, or if the speech is slurred, a doctor can give tPA to dissolve the blood clot. This medication, also known as tPA, is a natural enzyme in the body. It must be injected into the bloodstream as quickly as possible. Treatment for ischemic stroke involves using medicines that dissolve blood clots and preventing future strokes.
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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted for a brief period of time. Once normal blood flow is restored, symptoms often disappear on their own. However, stroke can be deadly. In 2017, the age-adjusted mortality rate of strokes was 37.6 per 100,000 cases. Despite these numbers, doctors have made great strides in the treatment of stroke. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor as soon as possible.
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The symptoms of TIA and stroke are similar to those of a major stroke. However, the latter lasts only a few minutes. Although TIA symptoms are milder, they are still cause for alarm and should be investigated. A physician will need to determine whether you have an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke before determining if you've suffered a stroke. Further tests will confirm the diagnosis. The best way to determine if you're having a stroke is to visit your doctor as soon as possible.
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If you suspect someone has had a stroke, you should watch them closely while they get emergency help. If you're not sure how to proceed, you can get free health information and expert advice at Mayo Clinic. It doesn't hurt to learn as much as you can about your own health as you can. This way, you'll be prepared for whatever happens. The sooner you respond to a stroke, the sooner you can start treatment. In addition to your doctor, a good first step is calling your family member or friend.
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The following factors can significantly increase your risk of having a stroke. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. These factors are all modifiable and can reduce the risk. A healthy diet low in saturated and trans fat, salt, and sugar will help lower your risk of a stroke. Also, avoid excessive alcohol consumption. This can increase your blood pressure and make it harder to prevent clotting. To reduce your risk of having a stroke, your doctor may recommend antiplatelets, which are available over-the-counter.
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Immediately following a stroke, the patient needs to receive clot-busting drugs. These medications help restore blood flow to the brain, which is crucial to recovery from stroke. Without oxygen, brain cells die and cannot regenerate. These deaths cause devastating damage to the patient's mental, physical, and social abilities. A stroke occurs when the diseased artery obstructs blood flow to the brain. A clot blocks the flow of blood and prevents brain cells from receiving the proper nutrients they need to survive.
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People who have experienced a stroke or a heart attack are at greater risk of developing another. The cause of stroke is not always clear, but there may be a family history that contributes to stroke risk. Some genetic factors are more prevalent in people with a history of stroke, such as high blood pressure. Even though many strokes are painless, they can be a risk factor for future stroke. Fortunately, if you or a family member has had a stroke before, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will have one.