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What Causes a Stroke in a Woman? - Oren Zarif - Causes of a Stroke in a Woman

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

If you are a woman, you may be wondering what causes a stroke. There are a variety of factors that can increase your risk of having a stroke. If you're a woman, the following tips can help you identify the symptoms of a stroke. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. The sooner you receive medical attention, the better your chances are of recovery.

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Women are more susceptible to strokes than men are, and they usually experience a stroke when they're older. This is because estrogen and hormone therapies can increase a woman's risk. Signs of a stroke include loss of control over certain muscles, difficulty walking or talking, or difficulty swallowing. A woman may also experience difficulty with language or swallowing. Regardless of age, there are many causes of a stroke in a woman.

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A woman may experience sudden weakness or numbness in one or both arms. Her facial features may be affected as well, and she may also experience trouble speaking or walking. Sudden dizziness and slurred speech are other common stroke symptoms, so if you notice any of these symptoms, you should call 9-1-1 immediately. A stroke can lead to permanent disability and even death. Therefore, if you think you may be experiencing any of these signs, seek medical help immediately.

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The earliest signs of a stroke in a woman are symptoms of impaired blood flow to the brain. A woman experiencing any of these symptoms should call 911 immediately. A paramedic will help assess her symptoms and administer treatment if necessary. According to a 2009 study, the most common nontraditional symptom was altered mental status. Twenty-four percent of women reported this symptom compared to only fifteen percent of men. Furthermore, women were 1.5 times more likely to experience these symptoms than men. Other symptoms of a stroke include a difficulty speaking, strained expression, and confusion.

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Women should learn about the common risk factors of a stroke and any additional factors that may increase her risk of a stroke. Strokes can strike anyone at any age, so it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of the common symptoms. It can be life-threatening if left untreated, but there are things you can do to minimize the risk. By preventing stroke symptoms, you can reduce your chances of developing it or recovering from it.

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High blood pressure is another factor that raises the risk of a stroke in a woman. About one in three women has stage 2 or more high blood pressure. And only half of those women have it under control. High blood pressure causes the blood vessels to strain and rupture. Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy have a higher chance of having a stroke than women without it. In fact, the risks of a stroke in a woman increase every decade after age 55.

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While there are several risk factors for a woman's stroke, there are also several things she can do to minimize her chances of having a stroke. She should make an effort to lower her blood pressure, which can prevent stroke in the future. Taking the right medication can also lower your risk. In addition, lowering the cholesterol and saturated fats in her diet can improve your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, and reduce the risk of a stroke.

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Blood clots can also occur in the brain. Blood clots can be caused by an irregular heartbeat, an infection of the heart muscle, or a clotting disorder. Other causes of a stroke in a woman include severe infections and a decreased blood pressure. These conditions reduce the flow of blood to the brain. If you're a woman and you're concerned about your risk of a stroke, don't hesitate to consult with a doctor.

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Another common risk factor is pregnancy. Many women start taking birth control to prevent pregnancy, but if you're using it for contraception, you need to talk to your doctor about non-hormonal methods. Women should also monitor their blood pressure to ensure it is within safe levels. If you are a woman, make sure to talk to your doctor about non-hormonal options if you're concerned about your stroke risk.

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Pregnancy increases your risk of stroke. Although pregnancy is not the most common cause of a stroke, pregnancy can make your blood sticky and increase the risk of blood clotting. It may also protect the mother during delivery by preventing bleeding during childbirth. Pregnancy also increases your blood pressure, which should be checked regularly during your antenatal visits. Your doctor will also look for signs of pre-eclampsia, a high blood pressure that increases the risk of a stroke.

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