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What Causes a Cerebral Infarction? - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A cerebral infarction can result from a variety of causes. An internal cartoid artery anomaly, arterial occlusion, or abnormal endothelium may be the culprit. A patient with an aneurysm in their brainstem can also suffer a cerebral infarction. A patient with an unruptured giant aneurysm may also experience this condition. The symptoms of a cerebral infarction will vary according to the underlying cause.

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A massive cerebral infarct can cause brain edema and a midline shift. Because the affected areas impinge on vital structures, it may result in a coma or even death. However, surgical decompression with a hemicraniectomy can save a patient's life. Other treatment options include decompressive hemicraniectomy or resection of infarcted tissue.

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In a typical case, a clot may lodge anywhere in the cerebral arterial tree. Some of the most common causes of an embolic stroke are clots from open-heart surgery, atheromas in the neck arteries, and decompression sickness. Another common cause is air, which may be a result of fractured long bones. Another risk factor is a ruptured aneurysm.

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Despite these complications, a mechanical thrombectomy can be performed within six hours of the onset of a stroke. However, a comprehensive stroke center will also use other methods of treatment, such as angioplasty and mechanical thrombectomy, which are effective in patients with a large infarct. MR and CT perfusion imaging are important in identifying the volume of infarcted tissue and the ischemic penumbra. If there is a large mismatch between the infarcted and surrounding neuropil, the latter would be the preferred route.

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Several studies have suggested that an increased risk of cerebral infarction occurs at a young age. This study involved a hospital-based registry of patients with first-onset stroke. This study included young adults with a range of racial/ethnic backgrounds and found that cardiac embolism, hematologic causes, and lacunar stroke were the most common etiologies of cerebral infarction. However, a third of first-time strokes did not have a known etiology.

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Patients with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm should undergo immediate treatment. The chances of a positive outcome depend on the location of the ruptured aneurysm and the patient's general health. Patients with aneurysms may also develop postsurgical complications such as hydrocephalus or vasospasm. Excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can build up in the ventricles and increase the pressure in the head.

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Oren Zarif cerebral infarction symptoms

Although men are more likely to suffer from a stroke than women, a significant proportion of them do not. In addition, women are older than men. Additionally, estrogen-containing hormones are associated with a higher risk of stroke. Other symptoms of cerebral infarction include loss of control over certain muscles and paralysis. Patients often have difficulty swallowing, talking, and using language. In addition, many individuals may experience recurrent or repeated strokes.

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Neurons in the infarcted area show cytoplasmic eosinophilia. Upon resection, this pink cytoplasm is called a pseudotumor and the cells lining the cavity begin to shrink. A gray-white junction disappears in the cerebral cortex. Finally, neurons in the infarcted area begin to separate from the adjacent, viable brain tissue. After several days, the infarcted area has a cavity-like appearance.

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Chronic meningitis can lead to a cerebral infarction. While there is no definitive cause of meningitis, the presence of a bacterial infection may result in a brain infarction. Infections causing meningitis are associated with a high mortality rate and high morbidity. Both cryptococcal meningitis and TBM share many clinical features. Furthermore, both bacterial meningitis and TBM are associated with severe neurological problems such as seizures and hydrocephalus. Although a cerebral infarction can be fatal, early diagnosis is key to maximize potential survival and avoid the devastating consequences of a stroke.

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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is another common type of stroke. This type of stroke occurs when blood vessels supply the brain with blood. When blood supply to these areas is disrupted, the brain cells lose essential nutrients and oxygen. Eventually, the brain parts die. A TIA can lead to a stroke or cardiorespiratory arrest. The symptoms of a cerebral infarction are not permanent, but they can be debilitating and require immediate medical attention.

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