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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What Are TIA Symptoms? - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms

You may be aware of certain TIA symptoms, but do not know what they mean. In this article, we'll talk about what these symptoms mean and how to deal with them. If you are suffering from TIA, you need to get medical attention as soon as possible. It's best to make a medical appointment right away, and you should keep up with regular checkups, if necessary. If you suffer from any of the following TIA symptoms, contact your GP as soon as possible.

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While TIA symptoms can vary, the general idea is that a temporary blockage of blood flow to a part of the brain may result in a variety of neurological problems. In most cases, the symptoms are short-lived and disappear on their own within 24 hours. The good news is that TIAs are not deadly and do not cause any lasting neurologic or brain damage. However, there are some symptoms that are very similar to those of a stroke and should be taken seriously. Sudden weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, confusion, and difficulty with balance are all symptoms of a TIA.

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While TIA symptoms are temporary, they should be taken seriously. If they persist for more than 24 hours, they may be indicative of a more severe stroke. Fortunately, TIAs do not cause permanent brain damage, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately. However, many people don't seek medical attention right away and instead believe that the symptoms will go away. If you suspect you're suffering from TIA symptoms, contact your doctor immediately and get the proper diagnosis. Your health care provider can recommend follow-up tests and begin treatment to reduce your risk of having a stroke.

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If your doctor suspects that you have TIA, he will assess you for any risk factors. The most important risk factors for TIA are high blood pressure, diabetes, blocked arteries, and atrial fibrillation. If your doctor suspects you have a stroke, he or she may prescribe a blood-thinning medication to prevent a second one. Changing your lifestyle and avoiding tobacco use can help you minimize your risk of having another TIA.

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While a TIA can be treated in the emergency room, it's important to make sure the underlying cause of your symptoms is treated promptly. If a TIA is causing bleeding in the brain, you should visit the emergency room right away. Depending on the symptoms, an MRI can help diagnose TIA and determine how to treat it. An MRI may also reveal where the clot is. However, this is not the primary way to diagnose TIA.

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Another warning sign that you may have TIA is facial drooping. You may not smile or speak correctly. You may also have trouble concentrating or finding words. Your arms may also be weak. They may have trouble lifting both arms or holding them up. TIA symptoms include difficulty walking and dizziness. If you're experiencing these symptoms, call 911 immediately. You don't want to leave it until it's too late.

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A TIA can be difficult to distinguish from a stroke - that's why self-awareness and calling 911 are important. If you experience any of these symptoms, get to a hospital as quickly as possible, so you don't risk the possibility of further damage. A doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about your lifestyle and any medical history. The symptoms of TIA can last minutes or hours, and treatment is crucial.

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TIAs are caused by a narrowing of the arteries supplying the brain. These blood vessels may become clogged with plaque, which partially blocks the arteries and increases the risk of clotting. Once these clots form, they may travel along the bloodstream until they block the artery and the brain. It's difficult to predict which part of the brain is affected by TIA. However, the clots may also occur in areas of the brain where artery plaque has built up.

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TIAs are warning signs of a stroke, but thankfully, the symptoms can be treated. Lifestyle changes, including exercise, will help you reduce the risk of future strokes. A healthy diet and limiting alcohol consumption, as well as physical inactivity, can reduce your risk. While lifestyle changes can help you manage your TIA symptoms, they cannot guarantee your future health. A stroke can happen any time, and the only way to know is to be proactive and make changes to reduce the risk is to consult your GP as early as possible.

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