What Are the Symptoms of Brain Injury? - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury
There are many symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and there are a number of different treatments. Treatments for mild TBI include over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients should gradually return to normal activities, and should contact their health care provider if their symptoms do not improve within a few days. Moderate-to-severe TBI, on the other hand, may require surgery. Surgery may be required to repair skull fractures, remove blood clots, or reduce pressure inside the skull.
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The severity of the brain injury will determine the course of rehabilitation. Depending on the area of the brain affected, rehab may involve speech or physical therapy. The type of therapy required may involve rehabilitation in a skilled nursing facility, hospital, or outpatient clinic. Therapy is typically a multidisciplinary process, with several specialists working together to help patients regain their skills and perform everyday activities. Patients often make a full recovery within a few weeks. Patients may require additional therapy to restore their ability to speak, move, and think, as well as improve their cognitive abilities.
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After a direct blow to the head, the brain may suffer bruising as a result of the coup-contrecoup mechanism, which causes damage to internal tissues. This process is referred to as a coup lesion and a contrecoup lesion, respectively. In a coup lesion, the brain jarring against the skull can tear its internal lining and tissues, resulting in swelling and internal bleeding. Symptoms of brain bruising vary from person to person.
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The most common type of brain injury is traumatic brain injury, or TBI. It affects 1.7 million Americans annually and claims 52,000 lives. TBIs are caused by a blow to the head. While no two blows to the head are the same, some result in only mild damage, while others can be severe and completely impair a person's ability to function. And severe TBIs may result in permanent disabilities, including paralysis and coma.
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Axonal and diffuse axonal injuries are more common than you might think. Diffuse axonal injury occurs when the brain moves inside the boney skull, shredding the connections that make up the brain. Microscopic tears can cause mild effects, while large ones can be fatal. The effects of diffuse axonal injury depend on the size of the tears and the location of the damage. Axonal shearing causes profound damage to the brain.
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Although mild TBI symptoms will go away on their own, they can have long-term effects. The effects may range from mood problems to impaired concentration. Some people also experience trouble focusing, and others may have difficulty regulating impulses. If you experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. If you have noticed any strange symptoms, visit the emergency room immediately. If you have any doubts about the severity of your brain injury, see a doctor as soon as possible.
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Although many people don't experience any of these symptoms immediately after a head injury, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. There are symptoms of traumatic brain injury that appear hours, days, or even weeks after an accident. If you have symptoms that persist for more than a day or two, contact 911 or go to the emergency room. If your symptoms don't go away, you should call your health care provider immediately.
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Another common complication of traumatic brain injury is a hematoma, or bleeding in the brain. This is usually caused by a rupture in the dura mater, which is a protective membrane that protects the brain from injury. A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the brain, and it can be removed through surgery. Your neurosurgeon will evaluate your condition to determine the best treatment plan. If your brain injury is severe enough, your surgeon may recommend an alternative procedure, known as cranioplasty.
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Symptoms of a hematoma may not be apparent until several days after an injury. Signs of a hematoma include vomiting, unequal pupil sizes, slurred speech, and a severe headache. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact a physician as soon as possible. Traumatic brain injuries may also cause hemorrhage, which is uncontrolled bleeding inside the skull. If this happens, the patient will likely lose consciousness, and there is a risk of permanent damage to the brain.
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A skull fracture can occur when the skull breaks or dents. If the skull is depressed, pieces of bone press against the brain and cause injury. Localized injuries affect the specific area of the brain, and may involve bruising, bleeding, and pain. Some of these symptoms may be temporary, but may worsen over time. In the meantime, treatment is important to prevent further injury. You may be surprised to learn that a common injury can be severe enough to require hospitalization and rehabilitation.