What Are the Symptoms of Brain Damage? - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
When a direct blow to the head occurs, the brain may bruise or bleed due to the coup-contrecoup mechanism. This mechanism involves damage to internal tissues and blood vessels, resulting in swelling and internal bleeding. This type of brain damage can be attributed to a number of factors, including an acute injury, a prolonged lack of oxygen, and a traumatic accident. If a direct blow to the head is sustained, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after the incident to reduce the chance of serious damage.
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The symptoms of brain damage vary depending on the location of the damage. Damage to the temporal lobe, for example, can affect a person's memory and ability to understand spoken words. Damage to the occipital lobe, meanwhile, may result in impaired hearing and vision. Damage to the brain stem, which controls heart rate and breathing, can lead to life-threatening conditions. However, the risk of brain damage increases with age.
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Traumatic brain injuries and acquired brain injuries are common causes of brain damage. In these cases, an external force causes damage to the skull, which forces the brain to move violently within it. Brain injuries can also result from illnesses or neurological conditions. The medical costs associated with brain injuries are estimated at $48 billion to $60 billion per year. Traumatic brain injury and acquired brain injury are different, but they all disrupt the brain's normal functioning. Once they're present, they may have lasting consequences, such as the inability to perform everyday tasks.
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While the effects of traumatic brain injury are usually mild at the time of the injury, they may persist for several weeks. In severe cases, patients may exhibit signs of brain damage weeks or months after the initial injury. Although the duration of confusion is usually short, it is an important indicator of the extent of the damage to the brain. If the person continues to show symptoms of traumatic brain injury, they may require further treatment. There are several types of treatment options for people with severe brain injuries.
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TBI is often associated with multiple areas of the brain or a partial section. Falls, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, athletic accidents, and assaults with or without weapons are all common causes of TBI. Each year in the U.S., 1.5 million children and adults are diagnosed with some form of traumatic brain injury. Of these, 235,000 will be hospitalized. Of those, 50,000 will die. These injuries are primarily preventable with proper diagnosis and treatment.
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While rehab for traumatic brain injury varies greatly, recovery is typically dependent on the severity of the damage and the patient's response to therapy. While some people may be able to return to their pre-TBI abilities, others may require lifetime care. TBI also increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and Parkinson's disease. The therapy team should make recommendations to the primary care provider and other health providers. The recommendations of the therapy team should be communicated to the patient and family.
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Acute brain injury can affect an individual's interpersonal relationships, social connections, and recreational activities. In addition, if the brain injury is severe, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage. Depending on the extent of brain damage, the individual may recover with rehabilitation, however, recovery is slow and challenging. Family members may be faced with challenges and role changes due to the brain injury. While the effects of an ABI are not immediately obvious, the results can be life-changing.
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Treatment for mild TBI can include pain relievers and over-the-counter medications. Once symptoms have subsided, patients should gradually return to normal activities. If symptoms continue to persist or get worse, contact your health care provider. During moderate to severe TBI, medical professionals will stabilize the patient by managing blood pressure and controlling the blood pressure. They will also perform a series of imaging tests to assess the severity of brain injury. A blood test for mild TBI was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in February 2018.
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After the initial diagnosis, brain damage may require rehabilitation to correct any issues. This type of therapy depends on the extent of brain damage, the location of the damage, and the type of treatment required. Aphasia (loss of language comprehension) is one of the most common symptoms of brain damage. Patients may also need physical therapy or speech therapy. Depending on the nature of the injury, rehab may require a stay in a skilled nursing facility or outpatient clinic. The goal of rehabilitation is to improve the patient's daily activities.