What Are the Symptoms of an Eye Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Eye Stroke
Although most cases of eye stroke are painless, there is a risk for loss of vision. The first symptom is a sudden change in vision. For some, the vision loss is immediate and complete, while for others, it is only a partial loss. Some people also experience blind spots, "floaters" and changes in peripheral vision. Sudden changes in vision require immediate medical attention. A cerebral stroke, which affects blood flow to the brain, can also be fatal.
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There is a good chance of suffering from eye stroke if you have a history of blood clots or other conditions that affect the blood vessels. Most strokes occur in just one eye, and the loss of vision usually worsens over time. Rarely does eye stroke cause pain, but some people may notice a loss of peripheral vision or visual contrast. Moreover, if you're over the age of 60, you should be aware of symptoms of eye stroke.
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Two types of retinal vein occlusion can cause eye stroke. One is central retinal vein occlusion (RVO). This happens when a large vein passes through the optic nerve, the only pathway for blood to leave the eye. As a result, hemorrhages develop throughout the retina and the macular region can become inflamed. Treatment for this condition is crucial, as the vision loss may become permanent without proper medical care.
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Other symptoms of eye stroke include a change in color, dry eye, and sensitivity to light. In rare cases, the vision loss is temporary and may occur suddenly or gradually. The underlying cause of the stroke is not clear, but early treatment is the best way to preserve it and avoid its complications. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor immediately. Once you have been diagnosed, the vision loss will be much easier to correct.
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An eye examination by an ophthalmologist can diagnose an eye stroke. Your doctor will use specialized imaging equipment and tools to give you a clear view of the inside of your eye and determine any signs of retinal fluid. Fluorescein angiography highlights any damage to the blood vessels in the retina. The dye is injected into a vein in the arm and travels through the bloodstream to the retina. Afterwards, a camera takes pictures of the retina, helping the doctor identify any blocked arteries.
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Eye stroke is a serious condition that can permanently damage the retina. If you experience it, contact your doctor immediately for a comprehensive exam and treatment. If the symptoms are severe, you may need surgery or a period of rest. Your doctor may prescribe medications to help you recover. The chances of having eye stroke vary by age and the cause of the condition. If left untreated, it can cause irreversible damage to your vision and affect your quality of life.
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The underlying condition that causes the problem may also cause an eye stroke. To diagnose eye stroke, your doctor may check for other glaucoma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart health. Early treatment is critical, as the sooner the eye stroke is diagnosed, the greater the chance of saving the eye. If eye stroke is suspected, you should see an eye specialist right away. Only your doctor can diagnose it correctly and determine the best course of treatment.
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While there are no specific causes of eye stroke, it is important to get immediate treatment when you notice sudden vision loss in one eye. This condition is often caused by a blood clot or fatty plaque blocking the main artery in the retina. Even if it is only temporary, it can cause irreversible damage to the retina. You should seek medical attention right away if you notice these symptoms. While you may be able to regain some vision, it is crucial to seek emergency treatment.
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To diagnose eye stroke, doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital use advanced optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. This type of technology is unavailable in many hospitals. This technology uses infrared light to detect swelling and produces high-resolution images of the retina. The entire procedure can take as little as 15 minutes. This means that the eye stroke diagnosis is more accurate than ever. In addition to a thorough diagnosis, doctors can prescribe immediate treatment.
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The first symptoms of retinal vein occlusion are sudden, painless blurring of vision in one eye. Central occlusion involves all central vision, whereas branch occlusion only affects a portion of the visual field. As long as the retinal vein occlusion is detected early, it can be managed effectively, with no significant loss of vision. If the treatment is delayed, vision loss may result. If the symptoms are not treated early, they could cause permanent damage to the retina.