What Are the Symptoms of a Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Fast Stroke
The first thing to know is that stroke is not a pleasant experience. It's a serious medical condition and prompt treatment will help reduce brain damage and increase your chances of full recovery. But what are the symptoms of a stroke? First, if you experience sudden weakness in your face, arm, or leg, you should call 9-1-1 and get medical assistance immediately. If you're not sure whether you're experiencing a stroke, learn about the common symptoms, such as drooping facial muscles or abnormal speech, and call your local hospital immediately.
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The FAST signs include weakness in an arm, numbness, or tingling, difficulty standing or walking, and difficulty maintaining balance. Another symptom is visual changes, including complete loss of vision in one eye or double vision. If you experience any of these signs, call 9-1-1 right away. It's important to see a physician right away, as your condition can deteriorate quickly. It's best to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, as if you don't know the symptoms of a stroke, you could lose lifelong vision.
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The signs of a stroke are a little different for men and women, but the signs of a stroke are similar for both genders. Women have more than twice as many of the FAST signs as men, so call your doctor right away if you notice any of them. While the signs of a stroke are the same in both genders, a hemorrhagic stroke or a mini-stroke may not show the same symptoms.
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While most people know the symptoms of a stroke, knowing the signs of a fast stroke can make a difference in your recovery. If you have symptoms, call 911 immediately, and don't drive yourself to the emergency room. Emergency medical teams are trained to act quickly and correctly based on what they know. You might not need immediate medical attention, but timely treatment can save your life and improve your chances of recovery. In the meantime, you can look for symptoms of a stroke and start treatment.
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High blood pressure is the main risk factor for a stroke. However, you can reduce the risk of having a stroke by being physically active, making healthier food choices, and not smoking. Stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that can impair your speech, movements, or memory. If treated quickly and effectively, you can dramatically reduce the chances of suffering lasting effects. Learn about the FAST test and how to call 911 if you suspect a stroke.
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Some symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness, weakness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, difficulty moving, and difficulty repeating simple sentences. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your family doctor or call 911 immediately. You never know when a stroke may strike, so it's vital to call 911 immediately and make sure the person receives the medical attention they need. The sooner you act, the better.
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The FAST campaign is not only designed to save lives, it's also designed to prevent stroke. In fact, it's more effective than you might think. The more people who witness strokes, the more likely they will know what to do. Unfortunately, most people fail to apply their knowledge, so the symptoms go untreated. Lack of awareness and association between perceived symptoms and a stroke make it difficult for them to take action. But it's crucial to act fast if you suspect a stroke.
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Even if your symptoms do not appear right away, calling 911 and requesting an ambulance is the best way to respond to a stroke. A doctor will assess the patient's condition and recommend a treatment plan based on that diagnosis. A stroke caused by a ruptured artery can be treated with a clot-busting drug, but there are times when the symptoms disappear quickly. If your symptoms are gone after several hours, you may just have a transient ischaemic attack.
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Another factor that increases your chances of a stroke is family history. Some individuals have a higher risk for a stroke than others, and people of black origin are more likely to have a stroke. In addition, black people tend to have higher blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity rates. Finally, women are at greater risk for stroke than men. Pregnancy, history of preeclampsia/eclampsia, and oral contraceptive use are also factors that increase your risk.
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The symptoms of a stroke may last only a few minutes or a few days. A mini stroke is a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition, and should be treated as soon as possible. You should see a doctor immediately if your symptoms do not subside within a few hours. Even a small stroke can lead to a full-blown stroke if it's left untreated. Symptoms will vary depending on which part of the brain has been affected by the stroke.