What Are the Signs of a TIA? - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
TIA is also known as a ministroke or warning stroke. It occurs when there is a disruption of blood flow to the brain. You may notice difficulty with movement, speech, or vision. These symptoms may pass within a few minutes, but they can last up to 24 hours. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help immediately. To help determine if you are having a TIA, ask the person to raise both arms and smile. You should also ask them to repeat a simple phrase.
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Although TIA symptoms do not cause permanent damage to the brain, they are important warning signs that you should seek medical attention right away. Unfortunately, many people don't seek medical attention as soon as they think they are experiencing minor symptoms. In fact, many people think their symptoms will go away on their own. But if they persist for days or weeks, you may need emergency treatment. The following are signs you should watch for:
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The signs of a TIA typically appear suddenly and last for about one to two hours. Sometimes, these symptoms may not occur for days or weeks. The first step is calling 911. A health care provider will likely recommend an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor will likely prescribe you an aspirin to prevent a stroke, but you should still be evaluated by a specialist. TIA symptoms can vary from one person to another, so it is important to seek medical care as soon as possible.
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A TIA can last up to 24 hours. Although the signs of a TIA are very similar to those of a stroke, a doctor will conduct diagnostic tests to determine the cause. Diagnostic tests may include MRI and CT angiography to examine the heart and determine whether the symptoms are a sign of a stroke. Some survivors may require blood clot prevention and even a carotid endarterectomy.
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Some TIA survivors report experiencing difficulty smiling and talking. Others experience difficulty speaking, speech problems, and memory issues. Arms may be weak and numb. Those affected by a TIA can have trouble lifting both arms and may experience numbness in a certain limb. TIA symptoms can be difficult to diagnose and treat. It is important to seek medical help if you feel any of these symptoms.
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Although some risk factors can't be changed, others can. For example, smoking is a known risk factor. In other cases, a TIA may be a sign of a stroke. Your doctor will give you medication if you suspect a TIA, as well as support to quit smoking. You will have to make an informed decision about whether or not you have a TIA or a stroke.
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Fortunately, TIAs are relatively short-lived, lasting a few minutes or 24 hours. They can happen to anyone, but people with a history of stroke should pay special attention to these symptoms. A TIA can occur without warning, and your doctor can help you identify the signs and trigger immediate medical treatment. The first thing you should do is make sure you have a family history of stroke or a previous TIA.
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TIAs are caused by blockages in the arteries supplying the brain. Blood clots can also form elsewhere in the body, and travel to the brain. A narrowed artery is the most common cause of blood clots, but it can also be caused by irregular heartbeat. When this happens, your blood flow will be interrupted. Your brain will suffer damage and you will experience a TIA.
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TIAs are powerful warnings that your brain is in danger of a stroke. One third of people who suffer a TIA will have an acute stroke in the future. However, many strokes can be prevented if you notice these symptoms and treat any underlying risk factors. Smoking, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking all increase your risk. In addition, a healthy diet helps lower blood cholesterol levels and keep you at a normal weight. Alcohol consumption should also be limited to one or two standard drinks per day.
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If your TIA has been caused by a small stroke, you can take medications to prevent a full stroke. These medications are effective in treating the symptoms of TIA, but they may also cause a rash or diarrhea. These side effects may last for a few days, but are temporary. If you experience TIA symptoms, it is important to seek medical help immediately. Taking an antiplatelet medication can help prevent a stroke, but it is still best to consult your doctor if you have experienced TIA.