What Are the Risks of Thrombectomy? Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy
Thrombectomy is a medical procedure that helps prevent and possibly reverse stroke. This procedure is often given to patients within six to 24 hours of having a stroke. It is a very effective way to limit brain damage and reduce disability from a stroke. Moreover, thrombectomy is quicker than other forms of stroke therapy, such as clot-busting medications, and can improve a patient's quality of life.
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Thrombectomy is most commonly performed to treat arterial embolism, which is a blockage of the artery caused by atrial fibrillation. However, the procedure can also be used to treat conditions in other organs, such as mesenteric ischaemia, which restricts blood flow in the small intestine. Thrombectomy may involve surgery, and it requires a hospital stay. But it is a highly effective procedure for many people with blood clots.
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Although there are a number of risks associated with thrombectomy, most patients are eligible for it. However, there are certain precautions to consider before undergoing the procedure. There are two major risks associated with mechanical thrombectomy: symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage, and dislodging of embolic material at the distal end of the occlusion. Also, patients may develop a hematoma in their groin or retroperitoneal region after the procedure.
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If your loved one is unable to give consent, your doctor will treat them in the best interest of their loved one. He or she will try to involve all of the family members in the consent discussion. If your loved one is too ill to give consent, you may want to take them out for a meal or coffee in a cafe. The nursing team can give you a phone number to call and explain the results and next steps.
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Aside from the risks associated with thrombectomy, the procedure can also cause a blood clot to form again. The risks of this procedure vary depending on the area where the clot is located, your health, and the type of blood clotting you are experiencing. It is best to speak to a doctor before you undergo the procedure because this is a serious procedure. It is not a treatment for every patient.
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A thrombectomy involves insertion of a thin plastic tube, usually through an artery in the groin. The catheter is then injected with a contrast agent. The contrast agent helps your physician visualize the blood vessels in your brain. The device is then moved through the catheter to the site of the clot, restoring blood flow to the affected part of the brain. The procedure will take about an hour and a half, so you can return home the same day.
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Some people have a fear of the procedure, but this is not the case. Some people have a high tolerance to pain. Patients who are highly sensitive to pain should not undergo this procedure. It is important to note that patients with severe heart problems should always seek the advice of a cardiac surgeon. If thrombectomy is not appropriate, it can lead to life-threatening complications. In such cases, it is important to consult a cardiac surgeon who is experienced and has a good track record.
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Another method of thrombectomy is known as catheter-based thrombectomy. This procedure is performed through a tiny incision on the wrist or abdomen. The surgeon inserts a catheter with a balloon attached to it. He then removes the clot and the stent with it. The procedure restores the blood flow to the area, and the patient is monitored to make sure everything went well.
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A patient undergoing thrombectomy is generally required to sign an informed consent form. The consent form states that the patient understands all of the risks and has received all the necessary information to make an informed decision. If the patient has any allergies, the healthcare team will inform them of these beforehand. Additionally, the patient may need to take pain medication. The surgery is performed in a hospital, so the patient should be sure to get the proper medications for his condition.