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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What Are the FAST Stroke Warnings? - Oren Zarif - Fast Stroke

When suffering from a stroke, you want to know what to do as soon as possible. This article will teach you about FAST signs of stroke. The faster you can get to the hospital, the sooner your healthcare team can start treatment. The sooner you receive treatment, the better chance you have of surviving. Whether your stroke is a narrow or a ruptured artery, your healthcare team will be able to determine what your next steps should be.

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The FAST warning system is based on the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale. This system emphasizes the importance of facial droop, arm drift, speech difficulty, and time. While these are all valid indicators, some people will experience just one or two of these symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. FAST is not appropriate for hemorrhagic strokes and mini strokes. While it is still a good practice, it may not be the best way to communicate the symptoms of stroke to the public.

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FAST stands for "face, arm, speech, time." This acronym was created by the American Stroke Association to increase awareness about the signs of stroke. The FAST test includes questions about facial drooping, weakness in one arm or side of the face, and trouble understanding speech. If these symptoms persist, call 911 right away and do not try to drive yourself to the hospital. A medical professional can identify and treat your symptoms. When you suspect that someone may be suffering from a stroke, call 911 as soon as possible.

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If you experience signs of stroke, the sooner you get treatment, the better. Most stroke victims die within the first three days. If the blood supply is restored, some of the brain's nerve cells can survive for a few hours. Otherwise, they will die. A stroke can affect your vision, speech, and thinking processes, as well as your ability to move. It can be life-threatening if you don't act fast enough to help the affected person.

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One study found that identifying the symptoms of a stroke as early as possible increases the likelihood of receiving thrombolytic therapy and reducing the chance of disability. The results of this study suggest that people who witness strokes are better equipped to recognize the symptoms of a stroke than those who did not. However, this study did not measure the effects of the FAST campaign on the patient's behaviour or the reaction of those around them. Thus, further samples may be necessary to understand its effectiveness.

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The signs of a stroke can occur unexpectedly and can affect your ability to walk, talk, and understand others. Some individuals may experience a sudden, severe headache and dizziness. While these symptoms are not common, they should be treated as soon as possible. There are other signs that indicate the onset of a stroke. This could lead to a serious stroke that can leave you unable to walk. In addition, you should be alert to sudden nausea and vomiting, as well as loss of consciousness.

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Other individuals involved in the patient's care were also involved in stroke care. In the majority of cases, a stroke patient is treated in an emergency department. An emergency medicine physician is initially involved in the patient's care, but may also include neurologists, neuroradiologists, interventional cardiologists, and critical care specialists. If a patient has symptoms of a stroke, they should call 911 immediately. If a stroke does occur, contacting an emergency medical team is imperative to saving the patient's life.

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Although symptoms of a stroke last only a few minutes, some people experience TIA, which is also known as a mini stroke. While the symptoms of TIA will not go away on their own, if they don't receive medical attention, they could lead to a major stroke. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek emergency care immediately. No matter how minor, you should call 911 as soon as possible. You'll be glad you did.

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