What Are the Effects of Frontal Lobe Damage? - Oren Zarif - Frontal Lobe Damage
Frontal lobe damage can lead to an individual's ability to recall events in context and combine them. While standardized testing may mask or exaggerate this impairment, it is important to recognize that there is a vast spectrum of frontal lobe behaviors that are actually unrelated to frontal lobe damage. For example, a person who experiences a frontal lobe injury may experience a variety of social and emotional problems.
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The frontal lobe is responsible for many different functions, including regulating emotional reactions and reflexive behaviours. As an infant's brain grows, this region becomes larger and more active, allowing for better control of the body's functions. These functions, known as prefrontal cortex, include the ability to focus, inhibit reflexive behaviors, and develop personality traits. Treatment for frontal lobe damage depends on the type of injury. Depending on the severity of the disorder, treatments may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling.
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Whether a person suffers from frontal lobe damage, or has suffered a head injury, treatment can be a long, challenging process. Recovery is highly dependent on supportive care, regular cognitive challenges, and a healthy lifestyle. However, with proper treatment and care, frontal lobe brain injury survivors can regain their former independence. If a frontal lobe brain injury is a traumatic event, the person may experience a variety of symptoms and may never recover completely.
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Neuroimaging studies are important for determining the morphological basis of frontal lobe damage. CT of the brain is more informative when the patient has a meningeal hematoma or other post-traumatic condition, while cerebral MRI can detect degenerative changes in the frontal lobe. Duplex scans of the cerebral vessels can identify zones of chronic cerebral ischemia and blood flow disorders.
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Another common effect of frontal lobe damage is an increase in impulsivity and risk-taking behavior. Risk taking is related to response disinhibition and reward-based decision-making. Impulsive people will make quick decisions and exhibit a lack of self-control, while risk takers will take risks simply because they think they will get a good reward. Researchers have even developed gambling tasks to measure the level of risk taking.
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While the symptoms of frontal lobe damage are multifaceted, the most important aspect of the examination is the patient's history. During the examination, note if the patient exhibits any behavioral changes such as inappropriate jocularity, insight impairment, confabulation, or praxis. Other symptoms of lobe damage are atypical puckering or smacking of the lips, which may indicate apraxia.
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Rehabilitation is vital for people with frontal lobe damage. Physical therapy helps people strengthen their impaired side and promotes neuroplasticity. Occupational therapy helps people with frontal lobe damage perform everyday tasks. They may experience difficulties interacting with other people and with their environment. They may also experience cognitive deficits, including difficulty in concentrating and managing their daily lives. If the damaged frontal lobe doesn't function properly, a person may be unable to walk or talk.
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A person who suffers from frontal lobe damage often experiences changes in personality. It may feel like the individual has died. People close to a person with frontal lobe damage may experience feelings of guilt, grief, and ambiguous loss. Some may be unaware of how much their loved one has changed and how to cope. But their actions may impact their lives and the lives of others. Therefore, it is important to find appropriate treatment for frontal lobe damage.
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Because frontal lobe damage has an extensive range of possible causes, treatment is individualized to address the most prevalent problems. There are multiple causes of frontal lobe damage, from accidents and injuries to neurodegenerative disease. In addition to the most common causes of frontal lobe damage, the frontal lobe is essential for many higher-level cognitive processes and tasks. Damage to this area can have a cascading effect on other parts of the brain.
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Some of the more common tests used to determine whether frontal lobe damage is responsible for these difficulties include the Beck Depression Inventory, VMF, and D/LF. These tests evaluate whether the frontal lobe is involved in decision-making under uncertain conditions. Moreover, they can also reveal whether frontal lobe damage causes a person to act differently in situations of uncertainty. For example, damage to the medial prefrontal cortex affects decision-making under certain situations.
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Other types of cognitive tests that can identify the extent of frontal lobe damage include the mini-mental-state examination, process tracing methods, and executive function tests. The mini-mental-state examination was developed by Folstein MF and Ford JK. Gehring WJ and Ford JK used these tools to study the role of medial frontal cortex in ill-structured planning. Goel V and colleagues analyzed the cognitive and emotional performance of patients with frontal lobe damage.