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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

What Are the Causes of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke

One of the most common symptoms of stroke is a sudden headache, but most patients do not experience pain at the time. Your doctor will likely diagnose stroke based on your medical history, physical exam, and blood work. A CT scan or MRI of the brain is the most important imaging study. Treatment for stroke is supportive, and the next step might be surgery to clip an aneurysm or remove blood pressure on the brain. Regardless of the cause of your stroke, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Certain ethnic groups are at greater risk of developing strokes. African Americans have twice the rate of dying from stroke than nonwhite Hispanics. Additionally, people with sickle cell disease are more likely to suffer from strokes than those with normal blood circulation. Sickle cell disease is a common cause of stroke in nonwhites and has been linked to higher rates of death among Asians and Middle Easterners. Whether you are at high risk for stroke depends on your ethnicity, gender, or family history.

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Transient ischemic attack, also known as ministroke, is caused by a blood clot. The symptoms of this type of stroke last only a short period of time. Ischemic stroke, on the other hand, results from a blood clot preventing the blood from flowing to the brain. Often, this blood clot is the result of atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty deposits on the inner lining of blood vessels. Eventually, these fatty deposits break off and block the blood flow to the brain and heart.

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Most strokes occur during sleep, and the first symptom will be when the sufferer wakes up. They may have complete paralysis or only mild weakness of the body parts affected by the stroke. A numb or pins-and-needles sensation may be felt, and facial muscles may droop lopsidedly. Patients should seek medical care immediately to prevent serious consequences of stroke. They may have no idea why they had a stroke or how long it will take before the symptoms of their stroke manifest.

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Despite the fact that stroke is a serious medical problem, it can be prevented with simple lifestyle changes. In addition to healthy diet and regular physical activity, there are several risk factors for stroke. One of these is atrial fibrillation, which causes irregular heart rhythms and increases the chances of a stroke. This type of stroke usually occurs in women and people with a family history of it. The causes of stroke vary by type, but there are some lifestyle changes that can significantly reduce your risk.

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Several medications may increase your risk of a stroke. Some blood-thinning drugs are linked to an increased risk of stroke through bleeding. Other medications for women include hormone therapy to combat the symptoms of menopause. Birth control pills containing low dose estrogen may increase your chances. Age also increases your risk. As you get older, your risk of stroke nearly doubles with every decade of life. So, it's imperative to practice good dental health to reduce the risk of stroke.

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Physical activity is the most effective treatment for preventing stroke. Physical activity can reduce a person's risk by as much as 26%. Although physical activity can reduce stroke risk, lack of high-quality studies are needed to determine the best lifestyle changes. Lifestyle modifications and medication are the most common treatments for stroke, but surgery may also be necessary. If your risk of stroke has risen dramatically, a surgeon may perform a carotid endarterectomy.

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Your doctor may also perform a complete blood count to determine the amount of red blood cells, platelets, and other blood components. Your doctor may also order blood tests to measure blood clotting function. These include the international normalized ratio, prothrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time. Other blood tests are also performed to diagnose stroke. Your doctor may also order an EKG to assess your heart rate and rhythm. Transcranial doppler and ultrasound of the brain may also show abnormal blood vessel structure.

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A thrombotic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when a blood clot forms in an artery to the brain, blocking blood flow to the brain. This clot is caused by a narrowed artery, such as an artery with a large plaque, which can break off and block the blood vessel. These two causes of stroke are different, and they must be treated as such. And the sooner they are diagnosed, the better.

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