What Are the Causes of Stroke? - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke
Although the exact cause of stroke is still unknown, it is believed that more than one in three people will suffer from the disease at some point in their lives. The symptoms of a stroke can range from total paralysis to mild weakness. Some people experience one-sided weakness or loss of ability and may even feel a 'black curtain' coming down over their head. In extreme cases, the patient may even lose speech. Fortunately, treatment options are available.
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The diagnosis of stroke depends on a variety of factors. A complete blood count will help determine whether the patient is suffering from an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Other tests will measure blood glucose levels and organ function. If the symptoms are more severe, the doctor may order a CT perfusion scan to measure the brain's blood supply. The doctor may also order other blood tests, such as an EKG, to determine the patient's heart rate and rhythm. The patient will also be evaluated for any abnormalities in the brain blood vessels.
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In addition to monitoring the patient, treatment for stroke should be started as soon as possible. The sooner a patient receives treatment, the better the chances of recovery. Prompt treatment will decrease the risk of permanent brain damage and death. However, it's essential to note that stroke begins rapidly and the sooner treatment is started, the better the outcome. If symptoms appear within three hours of onset, medical treatment is critical. And while the timeframe for a patient's recovery is very important, a stroke treatment should begin as soon as possible.
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Ischemic strokes, which are the most common type, happen when a blood clot blocks an artery in the brain. It may have formed when a plaque breaks loose from the wall of an artery, or it could have come from a heart attack or clot. Whether or not the clot is a hemorrhagic stroke is a matter of personal preference, but treatment for this type of stroke will vary depending on the speed of arrival at the hospital.
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Several factors can contribute to a stroke. Some people are genetically predisposed to high blood pressure and diabetes, and stroke runs in the family. Other risk factors may also be due to a common lifestyle among family members. This is because the same genes can bring on different types of stroke. In addition to genetics, many people develop atrial fibrillation, which is a common cause of stroke. If you are prone to atrial fibrillation, a stroke can develop in the brain.
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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is another type of stroke. This is a type of stroke that is short-lived. If the symptoms last less than a day, you're experiencing a transient ischemic attack. You should be checked by a doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms. If you feel weak or numbness, you should immediately seek medical attention. Your doctor will be able to determine if you're suffering from a stroke.
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Many common medical conditions can increase your risk of a stroke. Taking too much blood thinner medicine can increase your risk of a stroke. Age is also a factor, with a person's risk of a stroke doubling every decade after the age of 55. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the risk of stroke. The main risk factor is high blood pressure. This is the number one cause of a stroke. By lowering your blood pressure, you can reduce the risk of having a stroke.
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The most common cause of a stroke is a clot in an artery supplying the brain. A clotted blood vessel blocks blood flow to the brain, preventing vital nutrients and oxygen from reaching the affected area. When the clot blocks the blood vessel, the brain starts to die due to lack of oxygen. If you have experienced one of these types of strokes, contact your local emergency room immediately. The sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances are of recovering from it.
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Although the cause of a stroke is unknown, there are many ways to reduce the risk of a stroke. Listed below are some steps to take to lower your risk. It is important to remember that a stroke is a life-threatening condition and can be prevented with proper lifestyle changes. However, there is no absolute way to prevent a stroke, and there is no one cure. By understanding what causes a stroke, you can take action to reduce your risk of having one.