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What Are the Causes of a Stroke in a Woman? - Oren Zarif - Causes of a Stroke in a Woman

Although men and women are at equal risk of having a stroke, a woman's stroke risk is higher. There are several contributing factors, including high blood pressure, pregnancy, and use of hormone replacement therapy. Women also tend to live longer than men, which may also increase their risk. Age and a history of high blood pressure are also contributing factors. If you are worried about a possible stroke, call your doctor at once or visit your local emergency room.

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Many women experience a spike in their risk of a stroke during pregnancy. Certain medications, like the contraceptive pill, can lead to an increased risk of a stroke. Certain underlying conditions, including diabetes and migraines, can increase the risk of a stroke. But there are also lifestyle changes and medication that can lower the risk. Luckily, younger women who are healthy and don't smoke have low stroke risks. In fact, doctors will check for these risks when a woman starts taking contraception or has her first child. Hopefully, this will prevent a stroke.

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Lifestyle changes and dietary habits are also important. A woman's age, physical activity, smoking habits, and family history all increase her risk of a stroke. Many of these factors can be eliminated or minimized by making lifestyle changes. Also, a woman should watch for signs of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat that can increase her risk of a stroke. For more information about how to lower your risk, visit the CDC.

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In addition to age, a woman's gender and lifestyle are also factors. In addition, a woman's age and sex can influence stroke risk. In addition to age, a woman's blood pressure is higher than a man's, which increases the risk of stroke. As a result, stroke survivors need to take action quickly. If a woman's stroke is detected early, she can improve her quality of life and avoid long-term disability.

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In addition to age, women also tend to get less emergency treatment than men do. They tend to wait longer in the ER and receive less therapeutic workups. Additionally, a woman's stroke symptoms can be less obvious than those of a man, which can delay the diagnosis and treatment. After a woman has suffered a stroke, she may continue to receive care at home. At-home rehabilitation and outpatient therapy may be necessary to complete recovery.

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If you suspect a stroke, call 911 or your local emergency services. Depending on the type of stroke, your treatment may involve surgery or clot-busting medications. If the stroke is severe, she may need to undergo surgery. A medical professional will evaluate her symptoms, perform a physical exam, and administer diagnostic tests. The next step is to seek immediate treatment. In many cases, stroke treatment is life-saving, and if it is serious, it can lead to disability or death.

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Another common cause of stroke is a blood clot. A clot forms in the brain's arteries. Depending on the type of stroke, the blood clot may cause a large portion of a woman's strokes. The risk is greater for African Americans than for whites, but there are other causes. Women are living longer and experiencing a higher risk. Among other causes, stroke is a result of poor diet and physical activity.

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A TIA, or transient ischemic attack, occurs when blood flow to a portion of the brain becomes insufficient for a short period of time. After this short period, normal blood flow resumes, and the symptoms disappear. TIAs can be life-threatening, but most sufferers do not receive immediate treatment. While stroke is a devastating medical emergency, it can be prevented if early detection is the first step.

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People with a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol are also at higher risk. Nonwhite Hispanic people are also at higher risk for stroke. People with sickle cell disease are also more likely to experience this condition, which results in a blocked blood vessel. In these cases, women may not have any symptoms but may have a greater risk of suffering a stroke than men. In addition to age, stroke can affect any age, so it is important to be aware of risk factors and seek medical care as soon as possible.

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