What Are the Causes of a Stroke in a Woman? - Oren Zarif - Causes of a Stroke in a Woman
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and 60% of stroke victims are women. To prevent stroke, women must be aware of their risk factors and early warning signs, including fatigue, confusion, general weakness, and nausea. Sudden, unexplained loss of function should prompt a visit to a healthcare provider, as treatment can make all the difference. Learn how to spot the symptoms of a stroke in a woman.
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A number of genetic, physical, and emotional factors can increase the risk of a stroke in a woman. Stroke is more likely to strike African-Americans or people of non-white Hispanic descent. Certain genetic conditions, such as sickle cell disease, increase the risk of stroke in women. Certain hormone treatments can also increase the risk. Women are slightly less likely than men to have a stroke, but if they do suffer from one, they're more likely to die from it.
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Another major risk factor for stroke in women is pregnancy. One in three pregnant women has stage 2 high blood pressure, but only half of them have it under control. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels, resulting in a stroke. Pregnancy can also increase blood pressure, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. Women taking hormone replacement therapy during pregnancy also increase the risk of a stroke. Both hormones increase blood pressure and blood clots, making them more susceptible to stroke.
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If a woman is experiencing any of these symptoms, she should seek medical care immediately. Her symptoms could include drooping arms, face, and speech. The best way to protect yourself is to control her blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. If any of these symptoms is present, call 911 immediately. Do not wait another second - a woman should never be put in this position.
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Another risk factor is a slight tear in a neck artery. This can cause blood clots to form and travel to the brain. Some people experience minor tears in their neck after an injury, which is another risk factor. However, this kind of injury usually affects young, healthy people and athletes. Even a small tear should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible. A doctor will evaluate your symptoms, perform diagnostic tests, and determine if your neck has suffered an injury.
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If a woman suffers from a stroke, treatment will be individualized. Treatments for a blood clot can include medications to prevent its growth, and procedures to dissolve it. These treatments can have different effects on a woman than they do in men. Some types of thrombolytic medications can lead to poorer outcomes in women. A woman's risk of a stroke increases if she is caring for another person with a stroke.
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The causes of a stroke in a woman are largely a result of genetics and lifestyle. Although genetics do play a role in some cases, the prevalence of stroke in women is higher than that of men. The risk of a stroke is a higher in African-American women compared to black women, and there are several ethnic groups with different risk factors. Understanding the epidemiology of women's stroke is important for prevention and treatment. Treatment for cardiovascular disease is important to equalizing the risks between the sexes.
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Because of the difference between a woman's lifestyle and a man's, identifying symptoms is critical. Women tend to be less active than men, and they tend to experience symptoms that are nonspecific or non-specific. Additionally, women are more likely to live alone, which makes a stroke in a woman even more dangerous. If a woman is diagnosed with a stroke, her life is likely to be dramatically different than that of a man.
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Among the common causes of a stroke in a woman are bleeding from the blood vessels in the brain. In both cases, a blood clot or dislodged fragments of a blood clot can block the flow of blood. Luckily, both types of strokes are treatable. However, the first step is to seek emergency treatment. If a woman is suffering from a stroke, she should be examined immediately to ensure she is suffering from the symptoms of a stroke.