What Are the Causes of a Stroke in a Woman? - Oren Zarif - Causes of a Stroke in a Woman
Women are at an increased risk of stroke. High blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes all increase the risk. Overweight women have a two-and-a-half-fold increased risk of a stroke than lean women. Taking oral contraceptives, smoking, or using low-estrogen contraceptives may increase a woman's risk of stroke. Women over the age of 35 are especially vulnerable to strokes.
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High blood pressure is a major cause of strokes. It affects one in every five women. High blood pressure is the main cause of strokes. While men tend to suffer more strokes than women, it is not the only cause. Lifestyle changes and proper monitoring are essential in preventing stroke. While high blood pressure can be a major risk factor, there are ways to reduce your chances of suffering from a stroke.
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If you suspect your friend or family member is suffering from a stroke, call emergency services immediately. Stroke symptoms are usually easy to identify, but time is critical. If you notice a drooping face, arm, or speech, contact a medical professional immediately. Your doctor will assess your symptoms and run diagnostic tests to determine if a stroke has occurred. If you suspect a woman is suffering from a stroke, contact emergency services right away.
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The treatment for a woman's stroke will depend on the type of stroke she is suffering from. Getting the proper treatment as soon as possible will help her recover fully. A good way to reduce her risk is to limit saturated fats and limit red meat. A healthy diet with moderate salt levels can help maintain normal blood pressure levels. Anticoagulant medications may help reduce the risk of stroke. You should also seek medical advice to reduce your blood pressure.
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Women's risk for strokes may also be inherited. Some women may have relatives who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes, which increase their risk of stroke. In rare cases, a genetic disorder may cause a blockage in blood flow to the brain. While women are slightly less likely to suffer a stroke than men of the same age, women are more likely to experience the symptoms later in life, and their chances of recovery are lower than men.
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Despite the increased risk of a stroke, the risk of developing a blood clot is much higher during pregnancy. A woman's risk of developing a blood clot is also greater during pregnancy and after delivery. During pregnancy, it is important to monitor for FAST signs of a stroke. Chest pain and difficulty breathing are often a sign of a blood clot in the lungs.
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If you think you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call 911 or go to the hospital immediately. A woman's risk for stroke is low, but if the clot is too large, a woman's chance of having one is even greater. If the symptoms are severe, call 911 for immediate care. There are many treatments available to reverse the effects of a stroke, depending on the type and severity of the illness.
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Smoking is another risk factor. If a woman has a history of high blood pressure, she may have an increased risk of stroke. However, lowering high blood pressure and eating a diet rich in antioxidants can significantly decrease her risk of stroke. Smoking also increases the risk of atherosclerosis and increases the likelihood of blood clotting. Changing lifestyle and avoiding smoking are the best ways to prevent and treat a stroke.
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There are two main types of strokes in women. Ischemic strokes are the most common type, but there are other causes, such as irregular heartbeat or fatty deposits in the arteries. If the arteries become blocked, the brain cannot receive oxygen. A woman can die of ischemic stroke without any warning signs. Fortunately, most women recover without a stroke. But in some cases, the effects may be temporary or even irreversible.