What Are Silent Stroke Symptoms? - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms
A silent stroke can take many forms, but in most cases, the person has no idea they have it. These strokes can appear as white spots or lesions on the brain, which indicate that brain cells aren't functioning properly. If you notice one of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away. A silent stroke may even lead to a major stroke, and you should seek medical care as soon as possible. Fortunately, most silent strokes are treatable.
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As their name suggests, silent strokes affect just a portion of the brain, but the damage they cause is cumulative. This means that a silent stroke victim will develop clinical signs and symptoms after several of these small events. Among the most common symptoms are trouble with memory, loss of concentration, and mood swings. This damage is permanent, but it can be reduced with therapy and healthy lifestyle habits. This is especially true for those who are elderly.
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To reduce the risk of a silent stroke, make sure you keep your blood pressure under control. Exercise also lowers the risk. Studies have shown that moderate exercise can reduce the risk of stroke by 40%. If you have high blood sugar, be sure to eat sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet is another good strategy to help prevent a silent stroke. Further, it's recommended that you consult your doctor if you have a history of stroke.
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Oren Zarif silent stroke symptoms

The first sign of a silent stroke is the inability to speak clearly. While it may seem like an obvious symptom, this ailment is often so minor that the patient does not even know they've had a stroke. A brain scan will show small white spots on the brain, which indicate lesions. A stroke that leaves no noticeable damage may still cause a long-term problem, so it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible.
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A silent stroke happens when a blood clot prevents blood from reaching the brain. These strokes are harder to detect than regular ones because the parts of the brain that are affected aren't directly linked to vital functions. These strokes can cause progressive brain damage over time, and can be even more severe if several silent strokes occur at the same time. So, while they may not cause any symptoms, they are dangerous because they can lead to fatal consequences.
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Often times, silent strokes are not immediately apparent. A thorough medical history can reveal other signs of the disease. A patient might notice clumsiness in one limb, or a change in balance. A brain scan should also reveal whether a patient has a higher risk for the disease, including high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and atrial fibrillation. An abnormal heartbeat can also result in a silent stroke.
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Although silent strokes are difficult to recognize, the effects of one may be cumulative. After a while, the person may begin to experience neurological symptoms, including difficulty with memory and concentration. Additionally, a person suffering from a silent stroke may be more likely to have a regular stroke. It's important to get an evaluation as soon as possible to make sure you aren't suffering from a silent stroke. These strokes may increase your risk of dementia, cognitive decline, and regular stroke.
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A silent stroke is an uncommon form of a stroke. It happens when blood supply to a part of the brain suddenly cuts off, depriving it of oxygen, damaging brain cells. A patient may have no symptoms, but doctors can detect small brain injuries through MRI or CT scans. This type of stroke may be less dangerous, but it can still result in serious damage. This type of stroke may not be immediately apparent, but it is important to get an MRI to rule out the possibility.