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Wallenberg Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Known medically as lateral medullary syndrome, Wallenberg syndrome is a group of symptoms that result from damage to the inferior olivary nucleus or lateral segment of the medulla. It is one of the most common types of posterior circulation ischemic stroke syndrome. It is often associated with a stroke or other causes, including atherothrombosis of the vertebral artery. Although the symptoms of the syndrome typically resolve within a few weeks, long-term neurological problems may occur.

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Treatment for patients suffering from Wallenberg syndrome depends on the location and size of the affected brain stem. The goal of treatment is to limit the size of the infarct and prevent any further medical complications. Symptomatic treatment often includes early physical and speech therapies and medication. In some cases, however, the symptoms may not go away and the patient may have to undergo ongoing therapies for years. While the long-term outlook for this condition is not known, many patients experience significant neurological disabilities.

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Symptoms and diagnosis of this condition depend on the patient's history and physical examination. The primary signs and symptoms of the disease include loss of pain and temperature sensation on the ipsilateral side. Damage to the lateral spinothalamic tracts can also lead to symptoms such as ataxia. Damage to the vestibulular nuclei may result in nystagmus, vomiting, and palatal myoclonus. Acute damage to the inferior cerebellar peduncle can lead to ipsilateral ataxia. Additionally, infarction of the nucleus ambiguous, which regulates the glottic reflexes, can cause pharyngeal and laryngeal ataxia.

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Patients with Wallenberg syndrome may experience sensory disturbances in the soft palate, small pupil, or both. They may also experience decreased pain, heat or temperature, or tinnitus. Recovery time from a Wallenberg syndrome is different for each patient, ranging from six weeks to six months. In some cases, people with more serious damage may be permanently disabled. For these reasons, early physical and occupational therapy is essential. However, treatment for Wallenberg syndrome should only begin with a comprehensive evaluation.

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Wallenberg's syndrome is often associated with lateral medullary lesions. In this condition, the ipsilateral eye may be elevated while the contralateral eye is displaced vertically. In addition, patients may experience ipsilateral head tilt, disconjugate ocular torsion, and excyclodeviation of the ipsilateral lower eye. Patients may experience diplopia, and unusual tilt of the head.

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While the cause of Wallenberg syndrome is not known, it is believed to be a result of a dissection of the vertebral artery. Inflammation in this area is a leading cause of the syndrome. The artery provides branches to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. A severe dissection in one vertebral artery may result in lateral medullary infarction. Although this condition has no specific cure, it should be evaluated and managed as soon as possible.

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Research on Wallenberg's syndrome is being conducted at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIHS) and other major medical institutions. The goal of research on rare disorders is to improve the condition of the sufferer and eventually cure the disorder. The disease is characterized by a progressive decline of the patient's mental capacity. It can be debilitating and even lethal. However, treatment for the condition is on the way.

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The aim of this study is to determine whether swallowing behavior is affected by the disorder. The aim of the study was to evaluate the jitter at the peaks of the second laryngeal deflection during swallowing. Interestingly, jitter was significantly increased in patients with WS as compared to those with normal laryngeal movement. Its duration correlated with the variability of the 0-2 interval during the study.

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Symptoms of the syndrome vary widely, depending on the location of the lesion. Although the causes of WS are still unknown, it is believed that LMI may disrupt the connections between the premotor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus. During the initial phases of the disease, the patient will experience dysphagia. Although the condition may be life-threatening, it can be treated with intravenous TPA in a few hours. Optical therapy may be used to improve dysphagia.

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While there is no definitive cause of WS, it may be a result of an acute stroke in the swallowing center. The other half of the swallowing center is unaffected. In patients with WS, bilateral pharyngeal muscles are affected. Electrophysiological results of WS patients have indicated that these patients may have hemispheric stroke, which can lead to severe dysphagia. When swallowing, the muscles in the larynx are affected bilaterally.

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