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Wallenberg Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome

The prognosis for Wallenberg syndrome depends on the location and size of the infarction in the brain stem. While some people can recover completely within weeks, others may experience long-term disability. Early detection and treatment can improve the chance of a positive outcome for a patient. Read on to learn more about this syndrome. You can improve your chances of recovery by learning more about the symptoms and treatment for this disorder. Depending on your individual situation, you may need swallowing therapy or a feeding tube.

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A common cause of Wallenberg syndrome is an ischemic stroke in the brain stem. This happens when the blood vessels leading to these parts of the brain are obstructed or blocked. In such cases, patients may develop symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome. The American Stroke Association, part of the American Heart Association, is an organization dedicated to preventing and treating strokes, and is a helpful resource for finding a treatment for the disorder. The National Institutes of Health also conducts research on strokes and the nervous system, which may help to understand the cause of the syndrome.

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While the causes of Wallenberg syndrome are still unknown, some studies have suggested a possible link between artery disease and heart disease, as well as blood clots. Other researchers have noted that minor neck trauma is an important risk factor for this syndrome.

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The symptoms often begin over several hours, and may persist for days. Patients should visit a doctor as soon as possible if any of these symptoms develop. A doctor should consider Wallenberg syndrome only after the symptoms have been present for several hours or days.

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The acute phase of Wallenberg syndrome is characterized by dysphagia. Patients experiencing dysphagia often require a nasogastric tube to feed. The patient's recovery is generally good if a unilateral infarction occurs in the lateral medulla. A mechanism involving the unaffected side of the medulla is believed to be responsible for this. Physiotherapy may play an essential role in managing this condition.

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Skewed deviations in the eye can be indicative of Wallenberg's syndrome. The infarctions can also affect the ocular motor system. Signs of dysfunction of the ocular alignment include jerk see-saw nystagmus, excyclodeviation, and ipsilateral head tilt. The patient may also experience diplopia or unusual tilting in the environment. If any of these symptoms occur, the patient should seek medical attention.

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A 30-year-old right-handed woman with acute headache, vertigo, and vomiting presented to a hospital. She presented with a neurologic exam that revealed lingual dysarthria, horizontal nystagmus, right dysmetria, and a weakness of the extremities. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large infarction in the left lateral medullary artery and involvement of the left middle cerebellar peduncle. She was discharged three weeks later and gradually improved in a rehabilitation center.

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Although Wallenberg syndrome has a better prognosis than other acute ischemic strokes, it can still cause long-term disability. The most common lingering problem is gait instability. Early physical and occupational therapy can make a difference in your post-stroke recovery. It may be beneficial to have a stroke rehabilitation program, but you must remember to keep the patient active, as soon as possible. This will enable them to walk again.

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Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome are usually characterized by a constellation of symptoms. A number of different nerve nuclei are involved. In the ipsilateral face, patients may experience pain and temperature sensory deficits. In addition to this, damage to lateral spinothalamic tracts may also lead to vomiting, nystagmus, and ipsilateral ataxia. Infarction of the nucleus ambiguous, a brain structure that controls glossopharyngeal reflexes, can cause pharyngeal ataxia.

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Research on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of Wallenberg's syndrome is ongoing. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH) supports research at major medical institutions to discover the best treatment for this rare disorder. There are no cures for this disorder, but treatments are developing for the condition. The goal of this research is to improve quality of life for patients with this disorder. So, if you're suffering from this condition, it's important to seek diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

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Electrophysiological testing of the brainstem and pharynx demonstrates the most common symptoms associated with WS. Compared to patients with non-WS, those with hemispheric strokes have a higher incidence of oral and pharyngeal swallowing disorders. Patients with WS also experience laryngeal paresis and difficulty controlling bolus. The onset of WS is usually delayed compared to non-WS patients.

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