Treatments For Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Traumatic Brain Injury
Many times, the effects of a traumatic brain injury are not immediately apparent. Fortunately, modern medicine has made it easier to diagnose a TBI and to treat it. Treatments for TBIs typically include medical therapy, physical therapy, and even surgery. While treatment depends on the severity of the injury, traumatic brain injuries are the most common cause of death and disability in young people. Here are some tips for dealing with TBIs.
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A traumatic brain injury may occur without the patient losing consciousness. Depending on the severity of the injury, the first step is to stabilize the brain. This includes preventing seizures and ensuring that blood flow is not interrupted. In severe cases, patients may require surgery to fix fractures in the skull, stop bleeding, remove blood clots, or relieve pressure in the brain. Although surgery may be necessary right away, it may take a few weeks to fully heal.
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If a direct blow to the head causes bruising in the brain, the mechanism is known as a coup-contrecoup injury. This mechanism damages the brain's internal tissues. Hence, the names "coup lesion" and "contrecoup lesion," respectively. During a direct blow to the head, the brain jars against the skull, torn tissue and blood vessels. These injuries often go undetected, and symptoms may not show up for days or even weeks.
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The VA has launched a comprehensive TBI research program to improve scientific understanding of these conditions. Researchers are developing new diagnostic tools and treatments to prevent or manage TBI. The organization is also working to better understand how military personnel deal with PTSD and other mental health conditions after TBI. That way, it can improve the quality of care for veterans and their families. That's what the National Research Action Plan is all about. But what are the best treatments for TBI?
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Several studies have found an increased risk of stroke in younger patients who have suffered a TBI. This is especially true for those who have suffered several concussions. Studies by McFarlane TD, Love J, Dixon BE, Hammond FM, and others show a relationship between repeated mTBIs and progressive neurodegenerative conditions, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. And despite the increasing prevalence of TBI, many people don't realize they have a traumatic brain injury.
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The most common causes of TBI are automobile accidents, falls, and assaults with or without weapons. Depending on the severity of the injury, approximately 1.5 million adult and child patients in the United States receive emergency medical care. A further 235,000 people will undergo surgery for a severe TBI. Sadly, 50,000 of these individuals will die as a result of TBI. And as the numbers continue to rise, it's important to understand that prevention is the best medicine.
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Treatments for a TBI focus on improving the quality of a person's life. Although some effects of a TBI may not be noticeable immediately, they will likely improve over the course of years. However, some severe TBIs increase the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. They can also affect a person's ability to walk, move, and think. Fortunately, treatment for mild TBIs doesn't have to be long-term.
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Mild TBI is often difficult to identify because it may not be detected through imaging tests. It is also similar to other types of problems stemming from combat trauma or posttraumatic stress disorder. Mild TBIs typically resolve on their own, though if persistent symptoms persist, treatment may be more involved. Cognitive therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy are common treatment options. The symptoms may last weeks, months, or even years, depending on the severity of the TBI.
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A TBI can happen due to an accident, a fall, or a blow to the head. It can be mild or severe, depending on the type of impact that caused the injury. A mild TBI may be caused by a small blow to the head, whereas severe TBI can lead to permanent brain damage. People suffering from severe TBI may have difficulty with their speech, thinking, or social skills. While many will recover after suffering from a TBI, a severe case may cause permanent damage and even death.