Treatments For Post-Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
Treatment options for post-concussion syndrome (PCS) are varied, but in most cases, the symptoms improve over time with treatment, including physical therapy and behavioral therapy. While a period of rest is important, patients with persistent PCS should not return to competitive sports until the symptoms have gone away. Treatments for PCS should target the symptoms most likely to lead to other problems, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
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A doctor will determine if a patient is suffering from post-concussion syndrome based on symptoms and a history of head trauma. A physical examination will be performed to evaluate the condition, and a CT or MRI scan of the brain may be recommended. The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can interfere with everyday life and work, so a proper diagnosis should be sought by a medical professional.
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Other symptoms associated with PCS include headaches and impaired memory. Headaches can be severe enough to interfere with sleep and may increase the risk of developing brain fog, making recovery a more prolonged process. The physical symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome include headaches, neck pain, sensitivity to light, and dizziness.
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Patients with these symptoms may also experience depression and irritability. While PCS isn't a medical emergency, it should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible after the injury.
The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can include emotional outbursts, trouble processing information, and difficulty reasoning. Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome generally last for a few weeks, though they can last up to six months or even a year. In the majority of cases, there is no clear link between the severity of the head injury and the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.
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Although some symptoms are reversible and will disappear after a few weeks, 30% of those suffering from concussions will experience persistent symptoms for up to six months after their initial injury. This is known as post-concussion syndrome, and the effects of brain damage last beyond the normal recovery period. While this condition is rare, it can have a significant impact on your daily life and your mental health. If you suspect that you have post-concussion syndrome, visit a doctor or a mental health professional for an assessment.
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There is no definitive treatment for post-concussion syndrome, but doctors can prescribe medication to relieve certain symptoms. Treatment is based on individual needs, and it is important to gradually return to normal activities and stick to a regular sleep schedule. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers, anti-emetics, and other medications to help you manage symptoms. Your doctor may also suggest the use of anti-depressants, especially those that may help you deal with depression.
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Post-concussive symptoms will usually resolve in a few days, whereas persistent PCS does not. Most patients with mild TBI will experience these symptoms in the first few days, and will recover in two to four weeks. However, up to 20% of patients will continue to experience symptoms for months after their primary injury. Symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the injury and the person's medical history. People with mental health problems, women, and those with previous traumatic brain injuries have a greater risk of developing persistent PCS symptoms.
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A doctor can recommend a course of treatment that will restore your pre-injury abilities. A proper treatment plan can help you recover from post-concussion fatigue and return to your sport. Fortunately, there is hope for post-concussion syndrome. Exercise is a great way to alleviate the symptoms and get your life back on track. In most cases, treatment will involve a gradual return to your regular activities and sports.
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If you've suffered a concussion and are experiencing memory and sleep problems, you should seek medical treatment to prevent any further damage to your health. A primary care physician won't help you much with a concussion and may even refer you to a neuropsychologist if necessary. A neuropsychologist will be able to diagnose and prescribe medications for post-concussion syndrome, but may not have the expertise to treat patients.
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The prevalence rates of post-concussion symptoms vary between eleven and eight percent, depending on the diagnostic criteria and time of assessment, and can range from mild to severe. A multidisciplinary approach may be most effective, because it considers a number of factors and may have a greater impact than a single outcome measure. It may also be more accurate to use functional outcome measures, such as HRQoL, to determine whether a patient is suffering from PCS.