Treatment Options For Ischemic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke
There are several different treatment options for ischemic stroke. Most people with this type of stroke recover some of their function before they leave the hospital. These treatments may include thrombolytic therapy and mechanical thrombectomy. The right hospital for your treatment depends on the underlying cause of your stroke. A hospital with a specialized neurologist can coordinate a rapid neurologist consultation, intensive care, and brain and vascular imaging. Treatments such as thrombolytic therapy include tPA (alteplase), which is injected directly into a vein. The medication dissolves the clots in the brain. The treatment is most effective if it is given early enough in the stroke.
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Physical examinations may reveal warning signs that your loved one may have suffered an ischemic stroke. The first thing to look for are drooping of the face and difficulty speaking. Other signs to watch for include a strange or uneven smile, difficulty speaking, and speech difficulties. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Most strokes are ischemic in nature, meaning that a blood vessel supplying your brain becomes blocked.
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Treatment options for ischemic stroke may include medications that break up blood clots or procedures to remove the clots. Rehabilitation may also be an option. Ultimately, the decision to begin treatment for ischemic stroke depends on the individual circumstances of the patient. Antiplatelet agents must be given within four to five hours after the onset of symptoms, and a high-dose of a clotting-preventive drug should be considered.
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Other risk factors for ischemic stroke include irregular heartbeat, a problem with the heart valve, an infection of the heart muscle, and blood clotting disorders. Blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors for stroke, so high blood pressure should be treated promptly. However, low blood pressure may also be a risk factor. In people with a high blood pressure, it may be difficult to receive adequate blood flow to the brain.
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Drugs that reduce the risk of clotting can help prevent stroke, including tPA. These drugs can break up the clots in the brain, but may not work for people on anticoagulants. Mechanical thrombectomy is another option that is effective up to six hours after a stroke. Depending on the underlying cause, tPA can be used to reduce blood pressure and increase the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.
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Antiplatelet medications can reduce the risk of an ischemic stroke, and are an effective first-line treatment for a noncardioembolic stroke (in which a blood clot did not originate in the heart). However, aspirin is not ideal for treating a stroke because it can cause stomach upset and gastrointestinal bleeding. Another option is clopidogrel, an anticoagulant that decreases the ability of the blood to clot.
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TIA is another form of ischemic stroke. It occurs when a blood clot obstructs an artery leading to the brain. This blockage prevents blood from flowing to the brain. It can cause damage to brain cells or death. There are two types of ischemic stroke: thrombotic and hemorrhagic. For those suffering from either type, it is important to get immediate medical attention.
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Symptoms of ischemic stroke include weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, vision problems, and balance. If detected early, ischemic stroke is treatable and a doctor at SSM Health can give you the life-saving treatment you need. If you experience the symptoms of ischemic stroke, contact SSM Health immediately. If you or a loved one is suffering from an ischemic stroke, our highly experienced medical team is here to help you recover and keep you safe.
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Ischemic strokes occur suddenly, and the symptoms often go away and come back again. This condition is also known as transient ischemic attack (TIA). This type of stroke is caused by a blood clot or a narrowed artery. Symptoms often occur in a few hours, and the stroke may be treated with medications. If you experience symptoms of TIA, it is critical to seek medical help as soon as possible.
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When you or a loved one experiences symptoms of ischemic stroke, a doctor may order a CT scan or other brain imaging to diagnose the cause of the problem. If the cause of a stroke is unclear, a doctor may also perform a computerized tomography scan to determine if bleeding has occurred. Depending on the type of stroke, treatment is determined by the cause of the clot, as well as other complications.