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Treatment of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Treatment of Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

One of the most common problems a stroke survivor faces is speech impairment, which can be treated by a speech and language therapist. These therapists help the person relearn how to speak and find new ways to communicate. Occupational therapists also help patients regain patterns of thinking and manage their emotions. Some stroke survivors may have sensory impairment, such as sensitivity to sounds. By using occupational therapy, stroke survivors can improve their overall health and independence.

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Usually, a stroke is detected in the hospital, where the symptoms are diagnosed and the appropriate treatment is started. This initial care focuses on reducing the damage to brain tissues. It is important to discuss any concerns you have with your doctor as early treatment is crucial. The emergency room team will likely include neurologists, nurses, and medical technicians. The staff will perform a physical exam and order an imaging test. They will also perform a neurological exam and listen to the heart.

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Endovascular therapy is another type of treatment for stroke patients. This procedure involves inserting a catheter with a device into the arteries leading to the brain. While this procedure does involve a risk of bleeding and blood clots, it is often highly effective in reducing the impact of stroke. The disadvantage of this treatment is that it takes longer to see results. Usually, stroke patients will be monitored for at least one day after they undergo it.

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The best treatment for a stroke starts the moment it is suspected. The sooner a stroke patient is admitted to a hospital, the better the chances are of recovering from the condition. If the patient is diagnosed within 4.5 hours of the first onset of symptoms, tPA - or tissue plasminogen activator - can be used to treat the underlying conditions and reverse the symptoms. Usually, this medication must be administered within 4.5 hours of the first onset of symptoms.

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The earlier a stroke patient is identified, the better his or her chances of recovery. This is an inverse relationship between the odds ratio and the time of treatment. Those who receive treatment more than two hours 40 minutes after the onset of the stroke should have the earliest possible consultation with a doctor. However, even if a patient is detected after this time, treatment can still improve his or her chances of full recovery. And because of the availability of effective therapies, there's no need for panic attacks, either.

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If there's no immediate clot, the most effective treatments for a stroke are aimed at relieving symptoms and reducing long-term consequences. Emergency treatments include administering TPA directly into an artery supplying the brain or using a catheter to physically remove the clot. Other surgical treatments include carotid endarterectomy, which involves opening the carotid artery and removing plaque. If the clot is larger, mechanical thrombectomy may be required.

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Medications that reduce the risk of future strokes include antiplatelet medications and surgery. Antiplatelet medications, such as aspirin, may help prevent another stroke. These medications are typically taken twice daily. In some cases, however, they can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or headache. A stronger blood-thinning medication is called thrombolytics, which can break up blood clots. For this, however, patients must take these medications within three to four hours of the onset of symptoms.

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There are several clinical trials underway that could have a dramatic impact on the treatment of stroke. New therapies targeting neuroprotective agents and free radical scavengers could potentially extend the time window that rt-PA has to work. In the future, these treatments could become the cornerstones of a stroke treatment, but more clinical studies are needed before they are approved and can be used. These drugs will likely continue to change the face of stroke care and save lives.

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A stroke can also be a result of a blocked blood vessel in the brain, preventing oxygen from reaching the brain. It is the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States, with about 800,000 people dying from stroke every year. While many strokes are treatable, a few remain fatal and can leave a person permanently disabled or incapacitated. Fortunately, if the patient is able to receive treatment, he or she can recover from this devastating condition and return to normal activities.

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Antiplatelet therapy can help prevent or treat acute ischemic stroke. The antiplatelet drugs block the activity of platelets, which stick to damaged areas in the blood vessels and lay the foundation for a blood clot. Antiplatelet drugs like aspirin and clopidogrel can be used to treat acute ischemic stroke. They are less expensive than other antiplatelet medications, but they may have side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding.

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