Treatment of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Treatment of Stroke
Initial treatment of stroke consists of determining the exact cause of the symptom. This is done through a series of tests, such as a CT scan and an electrocardiogram. The primary goal of the tests is to rule out any underlying causes and to diagnose the stroke. Other tests may also be performed to determine whether a stroke was the cause of the symptoms. For example, an electrocardiogram will reveal if clots in the heart caused a stroke. If it is, the treatment plan for stroke will include surgery to clip the aneurysm. A cerebral angiogram can also show blockages and clots.
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The symptoms of ischemic stroke can last much longer than those of TIA. If untreated, the condition can lead to permanent disability and can even be fatal. In contrast, hemorrhagic stroke is the result of a ruptured or bleeding blood vessel. Both types of stroke damage the brain and its tissues. Because of early detection and treatment, the symptoms of ischemic stroke can be significantly reduced and the risk of a disability is much lower than in years past.
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Once the symptoms of a stroke have become clear, the emergency department staff will begin an evaluation. A neurologist or member of the stroke team will work to determine whether a stroke is the cause. A stroke can affect any area of the brain, and it's important to act fast when you think you may be having a stroke. The brain starts to die in as little as four minutes, so it's crucial to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.
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Neurosurgeons may sometimes perform surgeries to treat hemorrhagic strokes. They may perform a decompressive craniotomy to remove blood. In rare cases, arteriovenous malformations can result in a stroke. These tend to bleed, so they should be surgically repaired. The goal of stroke rehabilitation is to make the stroke survivor independent as possible, and to improve the quality of life.
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Future studies should determine how long the stroke survivors are able to recover from the symptoms. The patients should be enrolled in the study within two weeks of the stroke. The study should be performed on a multicenter platform, with global scale criteria for data analysis. The underlying mechanisms of action of the drugs tested should be characterized, as well as secondary measurements, including day-to-day progress, rehabilitation time, and compounding factors. Further, future clinical trials should focus on the neuroprotection and recanalization processes.
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Initial treatment for stroke is supportive. Patients are given fluids through an IV and may be dehydrated. Oxygen may also be administered, since oxygen is critical for the brain. If breathing becomes difficult, a supplemental oxygen therapy may be necessary. Patients who are hemorrhagic should not take aspirin, because it may increase bleeding. Those with symptoms of stroke should be evaluated and treated accordingly. If symptoms persist for more than a few hours, they should be referred to the nearest stroke center.
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The only FDA-approved drug for acute ischemic stroke is tissue plasminogen activator, or tPA. This drug works with the body's own chemicals to dissolve the blood clot and improve blood flow to the brain. When given early in the stroke, rt-PA has been shown to decrease disability by 30%. However, this treatment has a number of potentially serious side effects, including bleeding within the brain. It also must be given within three to four hours after the onset of symptoms.
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Early recognition and treatment of a stroke are the keys to full recovery. A stroke is a devastating condition that can be prevented with the proper management of high blood pressure. In addition to stroke prevention, proper management of blood pressure and other underlying factors will minimize the risk of recurrent occurrences. Once the condition is identified, therapy can begin to improve symptoms and improve health. With proper care, a person can expect a full recovery.
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Various treatment plans will be used to reduce the risk of another stroke. A common treatment for stroke involves the use of medicines and heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Some patients may need medicine to control the risk factors that led to their first stroke. Ultimately, the treatment of a stroke is about restoring the patient's ability to do what they did before their stroke. The results will vary depending on the type of stroke, its location, and the damage to brain tissue.
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If the clot in the artery is large and thrombolysis has failed, the patient may have to undergo endovascular treatment. This procedure involves inserting catheters or guidewires into a blood vessel leading to the brain. Although endovascular treatment is safe, it does come with some risks. For example, there is a very low risk of bleeding and blood clots, but it is not recommended in patients who have suffered from a stroke for a long time.