Treatment of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Treatment of Stroke
During a stroke, doctors often recommend the use of a drug known as tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) or an alternate drug called tenecteplase. These drugs, which work by stimulating the body's own chemicals, dissolve the blockage in the blood vessel in the brain. They can reduce the disability caused by stroke by up to 30%. However, this drug comes with serious side effects, including bleeding in the brain. Therefore, it is not appropriate for everyone who suffers a stroke.
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Transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, are often the first signs of a stroke. While not causing any immediate symptoms, they can lead to a full stroke if left untreated. If you think you might have had a TIA, call 911 immediately. Time is crucial, and if you don't receive treatment right away, you could suffer severe brain damage. This is why treatment of stroke is so important.
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Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke, accounting for about 85% of casualties. Intracerebral bleeding accounts for the remaining 15%. In both cases, the disease consists of an accumulation of plaque and atherosclerosis. The reduced blood flow to the brain causes an embolism, severe stress, and untimely cell death. The result of these conditions is the death of neurons and other cells.
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The first step in the treatment of stroke is lowering blood pressure. The goal is to reduce blood pressure below 140/100, but not so high that it restricts brain blood flow. Several medications can lower blood pressure, including nitroglycerin paste or IV injections. However, the most important imaging study for the treatment of stroke is a CT or MRI of the brain. Initial treatment for stroke is supportive. Surgical treatments include aneurysm clipping or the removal of pressure on the brain.
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Physical therapists also use a variety of techniques to help patients recover their lost abilities. One such method is constraint-induced movement therapy. During this therapy, patients are required to use the arm affected by the stroke to build strength and control. Another option is functional electrical stimulation, which involves delivering small electrical pulses to activate nerves and improve movement in limbs affected by stroke. This treatment has been found to be helpful in a large number of stroke survivors.
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It is important to know that one third of strokes occur during sleep. During this time, most people do not notice the symptoms of a stroke until they wake up. Symptoms of a stroke can range from total paralysis to a minor weakness. A stroke can also lead to severe headaches and nausea without a known cause. It is important to seek immediate medical attention for stroke and discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor.
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Sometimes, patients with a stroke may need to undergo surgery. This procedure will reduce the pressure on the brain and repair the weakened blood vessels caused by the stroke. Aneurysm clipping and coil embolization may be needed. Rehabilitation is another method of treating strokes, which involves helping the patient regain lost skills and function. Ultimately, the goal of rehabilitation is to help patients become as independent as possible while improving their quality of life.
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A person suffering from a stroke may not be able to swallow for some time, causing them to choking and developing infection. Until a medical team can identify the cause of the stroke, a person is usually given fluids through an IV. Oxygen is often administered to help the brain receive the maximum amount of oxygen it needs. When a patient is unconscious, it is essential that the ambulance crew contact the hospital's emergency room as soon as possible.
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In the event that thrombolysis does not work, an alternative method is endovascular treatment. In this procedure, a physician inserts a guidewire or catheter into the brain's arteries. The treatment is minimally invasive and may improve the patient's condition. It is best used in patients who have had a stroke within 4 hours of onset of symptoms. If a patient is experiencing a delayed stroke, the treatment of Stroke will be different for those who have a sudden onset of symptoms.
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After the stroke, treatment may include the use of medicines and lifestyle changes. While lifestyle changes cannot prevent all strokes, they can help reduce your risk. Quitting smoking and heavy alcohol consumption, for example, will lower your risk of a stroke. Medications that lower your blood pressure and reduce cholesterol will also help. Antiplatelet medications can also be used to reduce the risk of a stroke. If you can't quit smoking, your doctor can help you.