Treatment of Post-Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
If you have suffered a head injury, the first step in treating the condition is assessing the cervical spine. Several symptoms may be attributed to neck injury, including memory problems, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and pain in the neck. These symptoms may be difficult to attribute to a concussion, however, and are more likely to be associated with an accident or contact sport. However, neck treatment plays a valuable role in recovery.
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Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome may include a lack of energy and interest in activities. You may also experience sudden bouts of emotional outbursts. Cognitive problems, such as memory and processing speed, may also occur. These symptoms may last from three to six months, but may persist for a year or more. Ultimately, proper treatment is important to avoid further damage to your brain. You can begin the recovery process by making a plan to address the symptoms.
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Early assessment is the most important step in the treatment of post-concussion symptoms. A simple standardized clinical examination can identify a patient at risk of delayed recovery. The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire is widely used and has proven its validity. Patients are asked to rate the intensity of 16 symptoms. The results of the questionnaire can be used to develop a treatment plan. For those with symptoms, early evaluation of cognitive and visual impairments can improve outcomes.
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Treatment of post-concussion syndrome requires the simultaneous attention of psychological and somatic symptoms. In many cases, full rest does not promote recovery. Athletes should gradually reduce their activity level and return to competitive sports once symptoms have subsided. A graded exercise program can be used to determine if there are no other symptoms associated with post-concussion symptoms. A treatment plan should focus on addressing the symptoms that are most likely to contribute to other post-concussion symptoms.
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Treatment of persistent post-concussion symptoms may be linked to psychological factors. Some symptoms are similar to those associated with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. The symptoms are caused by both the physical damage to the brain and the emotional responses to the trauma. People who experience persistent post-concussion symptoms are more likely to have a history of depression or anxiety, lack of social support, and poor coping skills.
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Other symptoms include fatigue, difficulty focusing, and headache. Additionally, a person may experience nausea, attention deficit disorder, and fatigue. Additionally, post-concussion symptoms may be exacerbated by stress and can prevent the person from functioning at their optimal level. They may also result in impaired memory and concentration, and can interfere with daily activities. These symptoms are not limited to sports injuries, but can be a sign that you need medical attention.
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Treatment for post-concussion syndrome is a complex process. Although it may take months to subside, most patients experience significant improvement within weeks to months. Your doctor may recommend you see a neuropsychologist if you continue to experience memory problems, difficulty sleeping, or other symptoms that make it difficult to get back to normal.
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Your treatment plan will depend on your symptoms and your health history. Even though post-concussion syndrome is not a degenerative condition, it can lead to long-term effects.
Treatment for post-concussion syndrome can involve physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep-related symptoms. The symptoms usually resolve within a few days to three months after the initial head injury. Although the treatment of post-concussion syndrome is generally symptomatic, it can be difficult to distinguish between a prolonged concussion and post-concussion syndrome. If you suffer from a prolonged concussion, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Long-term studies of mTBI should use standardized assessments, diagnostic procedures, and evidence-based interventions. These studies should help improve recovery and reduce the substantial socioeconomic burden associated with mTBI. There are several challenges that must be overcome to make this a successful endeavor. It will take a multidisciplinary approach to improve the prognosis of patients with mTBI. It is vital that the medical community continues to develop treatment options for post-concussion syndrome.