Treatment of a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury
While most head injuries are minor and require no treatment, those with more serious injury may require intensive care and neurosurgical evaluation. Treatment is usually a combination of medications to ease pain and prevent infection. If a head injury is severe, surgery may be necessary to repair skull fractures, drain large blood clots and relieve high intracranial pressure. Patients may also be prescribed acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain. However, aspirin should be avoided due to its potential to cause bleeding in the brain.
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Most head injuries are minor and do not require imaging, though some may require a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for damage. Wearing a seatbelt and protective gear can reduce the risk of head injury, as well as preventing falls. Taking note of your surroundings and wearing a helmet or protective gear is also vital for avoiding falls. If you or a loved one is in danger of head injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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Although most head injuries are relatively minor, the full extent of any damage may not be immediately apparent. For this reason, you may need to monitor your symptoms for a few days. If they persist, call 911 or go to the emergency room. Depending on the severity of the injury, your healthcare provider may recommend more advanced treatment. While your healthcare provider will discuss your medical history and the details of the accident, you should not delay in seeking medical attention.
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The treatment of a head injury will depend on the type of injury and the child's age and overall health. In the case of a severe head injury, the doctor may suggest a few ways to monitor intracranial pressure, which is an important part of treatment. The increased pressure inside the skull can damage the brain. To counteract this, a small, hollow device may be inserted into the space between the brain and skull. This device can then monitor the pressure inside the brain, allowing doctors to determine whether there is an increase.
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Treatment of a head injury depends on the severity of the injury and where it occurred. In a mild injury, you may be able to recover at home while watching your symptoms. For more serious injuries, you may need to be admitted to an intensive care unit. Treatment for a severe head injury may include anti-seizure medication and surgical procedures for hematoma removal or repair of contusions. In some severe cases, a neurosurgeon will need to repair skull fractures.
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While head injuries can be difficult to assess visually, they must be treated urgently. While some bleed quite profusely, others don't. Either way, head injuries must be treated immediately. In general, traumatic head injuries fall into two categories. Shaking-related head injuries are most common among infants and young children. However, they can occur at any time that a person is violently shaken. The most common symptoms are prolonged loss of consciousness and difficulty in breathing.
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Other signs of a severe head injury may include a headache, nausea, memory problems, ringing in the ears, vision problems and dizziness. While these symptoms may last for several weeks, they may last a few months or longer. In severe cases, these symptoms can be long lasting and can also include behavioral changes, dilated pupils, bloody drainage from the ears, and weakness in the arms and legs. In addition to the physical symptoms, the patient may also suffer from emotional changes.
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While head injuries can range in severity, MRIs are the most common and often the most effective way to diagnose the condition. These noninvasive techniques use radiofrequency pulses and powerful magnetic fields to produce detailed pictures of internal body structures. The most common type of MRI used for brain injuries is diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), while others use MR spectroscopy to evaluate the damage done to the brain. The images from these tests are extremely useful for guiding decisions about treatment.
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A traumatic brain injury, such as a fall or car accident, can result in several different types of injuries. A concussion is a jarring injury to the brain. Even minor impacts can cause swelling of the brain and damage to its cells. This injury is not typically fatal, but it can lead to other complications, such as a skull fracture. Another type of head injury is a skull fracture, which means the bones of the skull have been broken. Bleeding under the skull can result in a hematoma, which is a collection of blood inside the skull.