Treatment For Eye Stroke - Oren Zarif - Eye Stroke
Treatment for eye stroke depends on the cause of the condition and how quickly the patient is diagnosed. Treatment for eye stroke requires drugs that break up blood clots and reduce eye pressure, such as Diamox. Eye stroke often occurs with other underlying medical conditions, including diabetes or high blood pressure. People with these conditions should undergo yearly eye exams and be aware of their risk of eye stroke. A person with diabetes should also receive regular eye exams to monitor blood glucose levels and monitor the effects of diabetes on the eyes.
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If you notice sudden loss of vision, visit your doctor immediately. Eye stroke symptoms vary from person to person. The majority of people suffering from eye stroke notice a loss of vision in only one eye, without any pain. Others notice a shadow or dark area in their vision. Other symptoms of eye stroke include light sensitivity and decreased visual contrast. Fortunately, treatment for eye stroke is possible and can even reverse the symptoms if the condition is detected early. The last time that eye stroke symptoms become irreversible is six hours after they begin.
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If you experience sudden blurred vision or total loss of vision, go to the Emergency Room. Even if the condition is temporary, this loss of vision can be a warning sign of a stroke or future vision loss. Emergency Departments at some Mount Sinai hospitals have equipment to detect eye stroke quickly. Eye stroke, also called Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, can cause vision loss and requires immediate medical care. Symptoms of eye stroke can be treated through a combination of ophthalmology, neurology, and emergency medicine specialists.
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A patient suffering from eye stroke can be diagnosed with a number of tests, including a medical history and examination of central vision and visual field. The doctor may also use imaging methods, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) or fluorescein angiography (FA), to highlight blood vessel damage in the retina. A blood test or other tests can also reveal whether eye stroke is caused by underlying heart disease. A patient suffering from an eye stroke should visit an ophthalmologist to have an evaluation of all risk factors.
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An eye stroke occurs when the blood vessels in the retina are blocked, leaving the retina deprived of oxygen. Without the proper blood flow, the retina becomes damaged and vision loss occurs. The symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause of the disease. In some cases, retinal veins may be completely blocked, while others may only affect peripheral vision. Once the stroke has developed, the stroke can be permanent. If not treated in a timely manner, a person may experience blindness or vision loss.
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A patient with an eye stroke may experience some of the following symptoms: vision loss, floaters, and a weakened reflex. This is because abnormal blood vessels form in the retina. They leak into the vitreous and can lead to a detached retina. An eye stroke may also lead to other serious medical conditions. If left untreated, eye stroke can lead to permanent vision loss. A physician can prescribe treatment for eye stroke. If the symptoms persist, an individual should immediately seek medical attention. A mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide can dilate the retinal arteries and restore blood flow.
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An ophthalmologist will diagnose the disease based on symptoms and signs of the disorder. The doctor may use a fundus photo, which reveals the internal structures of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve. Emergency medical care is critical in the event of an eye stroke. There are many treatments available, and the goal is to restore vision. If the symptoms continue for more than a few days, the patient should seek treatment in an emergency room.
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A person with a heart disease or a low blood pressure is also at risk for eye stroke. A stroke in the eye can be caused by any of several heart disease risk factors, but the risk of an eye stroke is also higher in people with high cholesterol. This condition can be caused by a number of factors, including high blood pressure or diabetes. High blood pressure and high cholesterol affect the blood vessels in the retina, which can be affected by these conditions.
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A person with eye stroke may have difficulty tracking objects or following objects. It may be hard to follow objects, move the eyes quickly, or even make eye contact with the affected side. In addition, the person may experience difficulties following objects, shifting their vision quickly, and even wobble. Other problems associated with eye stroke may include impaired vision or double vision. Those suffering from eye stroke may also experience difficulty with their speech or their overall health. The symptoms of an eye stroke may affect a person's daily activities.