Treatment and Symptoms of Concussion - Oren Zarif - Concussion
A concussion is a head injury that can affect a person's brain function. It can also affect balance, vision, and even mood. Conventional concussion care has focused on rest. Newer methods focus on therapy to target specific symptoms. A therapist can determine which systems are affected and what type of therapy is appropriate for each. Before returning to sports or other activities involving contact and head injury, a medical evaluation is necessary to assess brain function.
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The treatment for concussion is largely supportive. The initial restriction of physical and cognitive activity is followed by a gradual return to normal activity levels. While there is no specific timetable for when the body and brain are fully recovered, extended strict rest is not recommended. If symptoms persist, patients should return to activity gradually and monitor their symptoms closely. In the meantime, they should avoid any activities that could lead to another head injury, such as playing sports.
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The symptoms of concussion may appear immediately after the accident, or they may develop over time. If you lose consciousness or become dizzy, you should seek medical attention immediately. The symptoms may worsen over the course of a few days as the brain adjusts to its new use. A severe headache and loss of consciousness may be cause for concern. Additionally, numbness and tingling in the legs and arms can also occur.
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Once you have experienced symptoms, you may be asked to take time off from physical activities to recover fully. It is important to limit physical activities and limit mental activity until your symptoms subside. You may also need to rest from doing activities that require concentration. The activity may trigger symptoms again. As with any injury, it's best to talk to your doctor before gradually returning to your regular activities. This is critical for your overall recovery. If you've suffered a concussion, it's important to stay on a recovery plan.
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Symptoms of concussion include difficulty with memory, judgment, reflexes, balance, and speech. Sometimes, a person who has suffered a concussion may be confused or dazed for a short period of time. Some patients describe seeing stars while speaking. The health care provider may want to check the victim's head to determine if they have a fractured skull. A doctor may also order a CT or MRI scan.
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Children who have already experienced a condition related to the brain may suffer from a more severe and prolonged concussion. For this reason, a doctor may recommend an MRI to determine the severity of the injury. The MRI may not show the signs of concussion, but neuropsychological tests will help determine the extent of the condition. In some cases, doctors may perform psychotherapy to determine the extent of emotional or physical symptoms of a concussion.
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A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. Most concussions occur after a sudden and violent impact to the head. Once it happens, the symptoms of a concussion can vary, including confusion, memory loss, and even amnesia. If you notice any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away. The doctor may prescribe medication or extra rest depending on the severity of your condition.
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Many long-term effects of a concussion can be long-lasting and may include issues with balance, concentration, and memory. If left untreated, the athlete could experience a brain hemorrhage and eventually die. For this reason, it is critical that an athlete not return to competition until he or she is fully recovered and his/her symptoms have disappeared. If symptoms persist, the athlete should see a physician immediately.
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A blow to the head may cause microscopic brain damage that is difficult to detect on a CT scan. If the blow is severe, the brain may experience swelling, which compresses blood vessels underneath the skull and results in inadequate blood flow to the brain. This swelling can amplify the injury and can cause a stroke. If you suspect a concussion, seek medical attention immediately. If the injury is severe enough to necessitate hospitalization, a medical professional should perform an evaluation.