Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury can affect any part of the brain or involve more than one area. Some common causes of traumatic brain injury include car crashes, falls, pedestrian accidents, athletic activities, and assaults with or without weapons. It is estimated that between 1.5 million and 2 million adults and children in the U.S. suffer some type of traumatic brain injury every year. A third of these victims will suffer a mild head injury while the remainder will suffer a moderate to severe head injury. A total of 50,000 people will die from traumatic brain injury every year.
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Some people experience mild TBI symptoms, which go away on their own. For more serious cases, people should seek medical attention. If they do not lose consciousness, they should seek emergency care right away. Symptoms of traumatic brain injury may include a change in mood, short-term memory loss, difficulty focusing, and impulse control. It is important to seek medical care immediately in the event of any of these symptoms. A medical examination is required to determine the severity of the brain injury and to treat it.
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If your TBI is mild, you can generally handle the symptoms on your own by taking over-the-counter pain relievers. If your symptoms are severe, you may need to undergo emergency surgery or rehabilitation. In either case, you should follow your health care provider's advice and gradually return to your daily activities. If you are not feeling better after a few days, however, contact your health care provider. The goal of rehabilitation is to help you return to normal activity.
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The CDC and other federal agencies track the incidence of TBI and the number of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths related to it. The most common cause of TBI is falling. Elderly people are especially at risk for falling, and a traumatic head injury caused by a fall can affect their ability to function and even their emotional well-being. These are some of the common symptoms of traumatic brain injury. A properly scanned brain may improve a person's life.
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A TBI may have a variety of symptoms, ranging from headaches to sleep disorders and depression. Long-term effects of traumatic brain injury can affect employment, family relationships, and reintegration back into the community. Researchers are working to develop methods to diagnose a TBI and improve treatments for the injured person. They are also discovering new ways to care for the families of the injured. And with so much information available, the benefits of research in traumatic brain injury cannot be underestimated.
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Neurocritical care is an intense form of care for severe TBI patients. A patient's neurological condition may lead to seizures. The presence of seizures is important, since 24% of TBI patients will undergo undetected seizures without continuous EEG monitoring. Regardless of the cause of the seizures, the patient will require continuous monitoring with EEGs for 24 to 72 hours after the traumatic event. A patient's condition will determine the type of care they need.
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The new study suggests that a protein known as UCH-L1 may be helpful for improving cognitive function following traumatic brain injury. Researchers injected the protein into mice who suffered TBIs and observed significant improvements in the brain function and survival of neurons. These findings suggest a way forward for future research and treatments for TBI. However, more studies are needed to confirm these findings and to find new ways to help individuals affected by TBI recover from the effects of this condition.
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Because the brain is not capable of regeneration, it cannot replace the lost tissue. However, the body can compensate for damaged tissue by developing new neural pathways. In younger people, recovery may be possible. The brain can learn to reroute information and function around injured areas. Unfortunately, the recovery process is not predictable at the time of injury, so rehabilitation is essential. And the longer the rehabilitation period, the better.
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The goal of brain injury rehabilitation is to improve the quality of life for those affected by it.
Many states have already established TBI advisory boards or have begun the process of implementing them. These boards are tasked with identifying gaps in existing research and making recommendations for needed services and resources. Members of these boards include individuals with TBI as well as their family caregivers. These boards are intended to bring people together with their experience, so they can give guidance and feedback. Hopefully, more research will help us understand this vital population.