Traumatic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury
The treatment for Brain Injury depends on the severity of the injury. A mild injury can be treated at home, but more serious brain injuries require hospitalization. Treatment focuses on decreasing intracranial pressure, which prevents blood from reaching the brain's tissue. Severe injuries may require surgery to repair skull fractures, remove large blood clots, or relieve high intracranial pressure. Symptoms may last up to a week.
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Diffuse axonal injury is similar to concussion, but occurs when the brain moves violently inside the boney skull. The violent movement causes tears in the brain's connections. The tears can be microscopic or large, resulting in varying degrees of brain damage. The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of the tears, the extent of the brain's edema, and whether there are any other injuries.
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If you have suffered a major blow to the head, you may experience a state of confusion. During this time, you may be unable to remember recent events or repeat things you've already said. Having a prolonged confusional state indicates that your brain has suffered severe damage. If you are not aware of the exact nature of your brain injury, contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Your health care provider may perform a GCS at intervals during your stay in the neurointensive care unit.
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When an impact on the head causes trauma to the brain, you've probably experienced a coup-contrecoup mechanism. This mechanism damages internal tissue around the brain. In this case, the skull has fractured and the brain has been exposed. Examples of this type of injury are a motorcycle brake lever or a head caught between two hard objects. Ultimately, any of these injuries will cause the brain to swell and cause internal bleeding.
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Mild TBI symptoms may appear immediately after a head impact, or they can occur days or weeks later. Most mild TBI symptoms are temporary, but may persist for months. Symptoms of mild TBI include headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Severe symptoms should be reported to your physician as soon as possible. However, you may experience a variety of symptoms including memory loss, mood changes, and impulse control. In addition to the physical symptoms, brain injuries can increase the risk of developing brain diseases.
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Treatment for brain injuries should focus on maximizing patient potential. Positive reinforcement encourages the development of self-esteem and promotes independence. Ultimately, brain injury rehabilitation should help patients return to their pre-injury level of functioning and improve their quality of life. If the condition has caused your brain injury, there are many types of rehabilitation for it. Regardless of the severity of your injury, a comprehensive approach to recovery will help you recover from your symptoms.
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Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are one of the most common types of TBI, accounting for approximately 1.7 million cases and 52,000 deaths each year. Although all brain injuries are potentially dangerous, not all cases result in the same level of damage. Mild TBI may be temporary, while severe TBIs may require hospitalization and permanent damage to a patient's ability to function. The best way to deal with a TBI is to get a qualified medical professional who can properly diagnose and treat you.
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Severe head injuries can result in fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and impaired thinking. Symptoms may develop within the first hour after an accident, or may take days or weeks to appear. If your head injury is severe, it can cause permanent damage to your brain. A coma can last for up to seven days, and the longer the coma, the worse the outcome. In addition to requiring hospitalization, brain injuries can lead to profound confusion, numbness, and even agitation.
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While traumatic brain injury is most common, non-traumatic brain injuries can also occur due to illness or metabolic disorders, or can be caused by a near-drowning experience. In addition to physical trauma, brain injuries may occur as a result of other non-physical forces to the head. There are even non-violent situations that can cause brain damage. However, there are a variety of ways to treat traumatic brain injuries, and you should consult with your health care provider for specific recommendations.
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Traumatic brain injury may be caused by a blow to the head or body. The impact and type of injury determine the degree of damage to the brain. The most common types of head injuries in children and adults are falls, motor vehicle accidents, violent assaults, and infections. Even a small amount of shaking can cause internal brain damage, and the treatment for traumatic brain injuries depends on the type and severity of the injury. It may even be caused by a simple infection.