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TPA Stroke Treatment - Oren Zarif - TPA Stroke
In the Lansberg study, researchers used data from six previous studies to estimate the number of patients who would benefit and suffer harm from tPA stroke treatment. They found that, overall, 16.9 patients would benefit from treatment and 3.4 would suffer harm. Although the results aren't as good as those of earlier trials, they show that tPA treatment does provide a benefit to patients. While the risk of harm is higher than the benefit, the benefits are still large enough to justify its use in emergency situations.
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Unlike other treatments, tPA is generally not effective in dissolving clots in most patients. It must be administered intravenously and has been shown to be ineffective in preventing minor strokes. However, there are some important safety concerns that need to be addressed. Some patients should not be treated with tPA if they are undergoing major surgery or taking blood-thinning medications. This is because tPA is also known to cause excessive bleeding and is therefore not recommended for patients with severe or ongoing medical conditions.
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Ultimately, the best way to reduce the OTT time of tPA stroke treatment is to give it to patients as soon as possible after a stroke is diagnosed. The sooner tPA is administered, the better, but a delay of 26 minutes is not good for anyone. Adding tPA stroke treatment to a head CT scan can reduce OTT time significantly. And if we can speed up the process, we can save more lives.
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The tPA therapy can also be administered more quickly than traditional clot-busting agents, so the quicker the treatment is, the better. In fact, the longer a patient is given tPA, the less effective it is. However, these results are related to the specific center where the study was performed. The geographical distance between the ED and CT scan room, as well as the temporal gap between when tPA is administered and the stroke starts.
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Although tPA has become widely accepted, it is still insufficient for preventing recurrent strokes. Nevertheless, the success of this drug in treating stroke patients has triggered the development of more effective treatment options. Some of these techniques involve minimally-invasive surgeries that restore blood flow to the brain. These procedures may involve removing clots, propping the arteries open (carotid artery stenting) or applying clot-dissolving drugs directly to the blockage.
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Another treatment option for tPA stroke is PDTC. This molecule suppresses the inflammatory response by blocking the nuclear factor (NF)-kB signaling pathway. It also promotes Akt, a protein believed to be pro-survival. This treatment also reduces the volume of the infart and eliminates tPA-associated bleeding. Its efficacy is not clear, but it does show promising signs.
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The risk of malpractice lawsuits against physicians for improperly administering tPA is high. A disinclined physician is also at risk of being sued for malpractice. Moreover, there are no systematic reviews of the association between thrombolytic therapy and malpractice. Hence, more thoughtful and comprehensive trials are required to increase the rates of tPA in eligible stroke patients. The results of these studies are promising, and if we follow these recommendations, we can increase our IV tPA stroke care.
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In addition to the above, a recent meta-analysis has shown that tPA promotes good angiographic results. However, these results are limited by publication bias and selection bias. Large prospective cohorts have not been able to support these findings. Furthermore, the bridging approach has benefit for all thrombolysis methods. But its benefits are minimal compared to the benefits of the bridging approach. In a recent case, a diabetic patient presented with a stroke after 45 minutes of ischemia.
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Despite the promise of tPA, the delivery of this therapy has proven difficult. In 2002, the European Medicines Agency approved tPA stroke treatment conditionally, based on the ECASS II trial. In 2003, the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study registry reported a benefit of tPA for patients as late as 4.5 hours after the onset of symptomatic symptoms. This study's data is not comprehensive enough to make definitive conclusions.
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The long-term benefits of tPA are controversial. A recent multicenter retrospective study involving 58,353 patients showed that a faster OTT (overtime therapy) in increments of 15 minutes resulted in a lower mortality rate and higher independent ambulation at discharge. Further, delayed administration of tPA has been linked to increased edema, HT, and mortality. So, many physicians are hesitant to use this treatment in their own practices.