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TPA Stroke Treatment - Oren Zarif - TPA Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

tPA is a type of anti-platelet therapy that is often prescribed after a stroke. Researchers at Stanford University and the National Institutes of Health have begun to use new data in their clinical practice. While the FDA has not approved tPA treatment after three hours, physicians can administer it off-label. But before offering tPA to patients, it is important to note that every minute that passes without tPA treatment decreases the chances of a recovery.

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The tPA stroke treatment depends on several factors, including appropriate screening, rapid diagnosis, adherence to a strict protocol, and one-size-fits-all time windows. Current evidence-based guidelines are presented in the AHA/ASA 2013 update, including eligibility criteria and general recommendations for treatment. In addition, advanced multimodal imaging may one day be used to help determine which patients should receive tPA treatment. In the meantime, a preliminary study of tPA therapy showed a low likelihood of ICU monitoring in a large percentage of patients.

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The results of one recent study, known as the Lansberg study, suggest that tPA treatment can be effective in improving outcomes after a stroke. The researchers examined six trials, estimating the number of patients who would benefit from tPA and those who would be harmed by it. Their findings indicated that tPA treatment would improve outcomes for 16.9 patients and harm only 3.4. Compared to earlier stroke treatment, tPA still offers a significant benefit to stroke patients.

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While TPA treatment is effective for acute stroke, it takes three hours. If administered quickly, it significantly reduces mortality and dependence. However, many patients do not receive TPA treatment for their acute stroke, despite the benefits. To assess whether patients receive IV TPA or not, the researchers reviewed consecutive stroke patients at a university teaching hospital in Alberta. Three other hospitals in the region were also studied. For the purposes of the study, the Oxford Community Stroke Programme Classification was used to record the type of stroke.

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In a recent position statement, the American Stroke Association has raised concerns about the risks and benefits of tPA treatment for patients after a stroke. They note that tPA treatment is safe and effective for eight out of every 18 patients within three months, and six out of every 18 patients recover significantly. However, only one-fifth of patients develop a symptomatic complication after tPA treatment.

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The NINDS Stroke Study Group published the results of a large, multicenter clinical trial comparing tPA with a placebo. The results showed a 30 percent relative risk reduction and between 11 and 15% reduction in absolute risk. Despite the fact that the drug remains the only drug available for acute ischemic stroke, it remains substantially underutilized. And the benefits of IV tPA are far greater than the risks associated with the treatment.

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A number of neuroprotectants are being studied as a treatment for stroke. Neuroprotectants are believed to interfere with the ischemic cascade, but these drugs have yet to show any benefit in clinical trials. However, the presence of neuroprotectants may help prolong the therapeutic time and improve the chances of excellent outcomes in patients receiving tPA. They may also protect dying neurons and decrease the rate of ICH and HT, thus reducing the risk of stroke.

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Moreover, tPA has a few downsides. Although it is an effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke, it is not approved by the FDA. This is largely due to its risk of hemorrhagic transformation and increased mortality. The drug also activates matrix metalloproteases in the brain, which further disrupts the BBB. If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, tPA will be most effective in reducing the risk of death and injury.

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In addition, tPA is an expensive treatment, and physicians who fail to use it in patients with AIS may face malpractice suits. A systematic review of malpractice lawsuits regarding the use of tPA in ischemic stroke patients has not been conducted. Therefore, we aimed to analyze malpractice cases involving tPA. We found 46 cases in which tPA was prescribed for stroke patients and 40 malpractice lawsuits related to tPA.

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