TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
If you experience any of the TIA symptoms, you should contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Fortunately, the condition is treatable. TIA symptoms will usually appear hours or days before the stroke itself. In most cases, you will have no longer than four hours to contact a medical professional. If you're not sure where to get help, consider using the free health resources at Mayo Clinic. They have expert advice on managing your health.
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The main symptoms of TIA are similar to those of a stroke, which is why you should go see a doctor as soon as possible if you've had any of them. Your doctor will do a physical exam and may ask about your medical history and lifestyle. He or she will likely recommend a FAST test or a Holter monitor, which can help determine the cause of your symptoms. Your doctor may even recommend a neurologist.
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Although TIAs are caused by narrowing of the major arteries in the brain, other causes can also lead to these attacks. A clogged blood vessel in the neck, arm, or leg, or a blocked artery anywhere else in the body, including the brain, can block the flow of blood to certain parts of the brain. The narrowed arteries are often damaged by conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.
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Other symptoms of TIA include changes in vision and speech. People with TIA often feel drowsy, with difficulty smiling or talking. Other symptoms include problems with speaking and finding words. A person may feel weak or numb in their arms. They may also have difficulty holding up their arms or lifting them. A doctor can help you determine whether you're suffering from TIA. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention right away.
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TIA is a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain. Symptoms of TIA may last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, but if you experience them repeatedly, they could indicate a stroke. A TIA is treatable and you can avoid a stroke by reducing your risk factors. If you have a history of TIA, you should pay particular attention to the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they occur.
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A TIA diagnosis is based on several key tests. Your doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and arteries to determine whether you've had a TIA or another type of problem. An MRI of your brain may show signs of a stroke but not TIA. Other blood vessel tests, such as an ultrasound, can detect blocked blood vessels in your neck and head.
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A TIA can be a wake-up call. While most people don't have significant symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention for any changes in your lifestyle. A stroke can be fatal, so you need to take precautions and get the right medical treatment. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your GP immediately. It's important to follow medical advice. If you're unsure of your symptoms, you can contact the Helpline for more information.
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TIAs are often misdiagnosed as mini-strokes. Although these symptoms only last a few minutes, they can lead to a stroke if ignored. It's also important to remember that TIAs can be deadly if you're not aware of them. However, they can be frightening, so if you notice one of these symptoms, don't wait. Take action today! When you do, you'll have a better chance of survival.
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Treatment for TIAs can range from aspirin to surgery. Antiplatelet medications are often prescribed to people suffering from atrial fibrillation. A doctor may prescribe a diuretic like warfarin or dabigatran to thin the blood. The medications may be taken daily or a few times per week. But they can have some side effects. For example, dipyridamole can lead to stomach upset, headache, and diarrhea, which usually improve after a week.
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Smoking is another risk factor. Smoking raises your blood pressure and contributes to cholesterol-containing fatty deposits in the arteries. Other lifestyle habits that can increase your risk of stroke include poor diet, heavy alcohol consumption, and illegal drug use. People with a history of TIAs are at greater risk of another stroke than those without it. Getting treatment for TIA can help reduce your chances of having a stroke.