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TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms

TIA symptoms vary according to the area of the brain affected by the disruption of blood flow. Classical symptoms include sudden muscle weakness, changes in speech, and vision problems. Chronic inflammation of the brain contributes to many different health problems, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible if you think you are having TIA symptoms. Here are some of the most common symptoms of TIA.

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Although TIA symptoms often mimic those of an acute stroke, prompt evaluation is essential to determine the exact cause of your symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe drug therapy or surgery to relieve symptoms and protect your heart. Antiplatelet drugs are standard treatments for a stroke, and anticoagulants are often prescribed for people with atrial fibrillation. In addition to avoiding alcohol and cigarette smoke, you should also limit your intake of red meat, processed food, and caffeine.

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You should call 911 if you suspect TIA symptoms. Symptoms can be very subtle and may be indicative of a different medical issue. Seeing a doctor will help them rule out other possible causes and treat the condition properly. Once your doctor has determined that you have TIA, he will perform a neurological exam to rule out other conditions that may have caused the symptoms. Some tests, such as an ultrasound, may also help determine if your neck is blocked.

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A TIA can occur unexpectedly, causing many people to confuse the symptoms with a passing dizziness or fatigue. Sometimes TIA symptoms are difficult to identify. They may be confused with another medical condition, such as a blood clot. In addition, they may also be difficult to smile. And if the TIA symptoms occur with speech problems, you may even find it difficult to remember words. In addition to these symptoms, you may notice that your arms feel weak or are not able to lift both arms.

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The main cause of TIA is a narrowing of the arteries that supply the brain. The carotid arteries are vital to the blood supply to the brain. High blood pressure and diabetes can cause narrowing of these arteries. In severe cases, a blood clot can block these arteries completely. It can even travel up smaller branches of the artery, obstructing blood flow to the area of the brain that is fed by that artery.

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People who had TIA or a minor stroke said that they had difficulty remembering numbers and names. This caused them to become confused and unable to concentrate. Some also reported crying. While there was no physical change in John, he did feel less articulate than he had been before. In addition to being more prone to depression, he felt lost and depressed. The symptoms he experienced did not last for long.

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The risk of stroke increases with age and heredity. However, lifestyle changes and limiting alcohol intake can help lower your risk. Smoking is also a risk factor for TIA. Despite lifestyle changes, reducing your risk of stroke is still not a sure fire way to avoid it. Your GP will give you advice on how to prevent or manage TIA. So, if you are at risk, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) symptoms are similar to those of stroke. Basically, they happen when a blood clot blocks the blood supply to the brain. Once the clot is removed, the symptoms disappear. While TIA symptoms usually pass without any permanent damage to the brain, they are a warning sign that a stroke is imminent. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a TIA, because it's possible for stroke to occur without a diagnosis.

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If you're experiencing TIA symptoms, your doctor may perform tests to determine the underlying causes of the condition. Your doctor will likely use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and arteries for any abnormal sounds. A brain MRI will reveal whether a stroke has occurred. A blood vessel ultrasound may reveal if the blood vessels are blocked or bleeding. A carotid duplex MRI may reveal narrowed carotid arteries.

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