TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
TIA symptoms often occur suddenly and may last anywhere from an hour to two hours. If symptoms persist for more than two hours, visit a physician immediately. During a TIA, health care providers will order a brain scan or other tests to determine the cause. These tests will also determine whether your blood vessels and heart are healthy. Some patients have symptoms that are not TIA-related and may have another problem.
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Because TIA symptoms are usually temporary, it is still important to know what they mean. Some people may experience a drooping face, arm, and mouth. They may also experience a change in vision. TIA survivors should avoid driving for at least a month to reduce the risk of stroke. Those who do drive should first get a medical clearance to drive. This is especially important for people who work late or need to drive.
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Other symptoms of TIA include a droopy face, difficulty smiling, and speech difficulties. Another common TIA symptom is numbness in a specific part of the body. These symptoms can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as driving a car or lifting your arm. If you have one or more of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. You may even feel dizzy and weak.
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Treatment for TIA involves the use of medications to thin blood, such as dabigatran or warfarin. TIA is not a cure for stroke, but early detection and treatment can dramatically reduce your risk. It is crucial to remember that one-third of people with TIA will have a stroke within a year. Taking steps to lower your risk of stroke can save your life. Your physician will discuss your medical history and offer you advice on how to stay healthy.
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A TIA can be a frightening experience for sufferers. While the symptoms are common and can go unnoticed, some symptoms of TIA are so rare that they may go unnoticed. Identifying the symptoms of TIA may allow your loved ones to act quickly. A neurologist will order further tests to determine the exact cause of your symptoms and start treatment. Even though the symptoms may seem minor and unrelated, it is essential to seek treatment immediately to reduce your chances of a stroke.
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The main cause of TIAs is a narrowing of the arteries that supply the brain. The narrowing of these arteries often results from fatty deposits that build up on the artery walls. These fatty plaques may break free and lodge in brain blood vessels. A number of disorders can cause similar symptoms, but the location and suddenness of the attacks may indicate that TIA has been triggered. Fortunately, there are several ways to diagnose TIA and reduce your risk.
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In addition to identifying TIA symptoms, your doctor may prescribe various medications to reduce the risk of a stroke. These include blood-thinners, statins, and high-blood-pressure medicines. You may also be asked to quit smoking or lose weight. These changes may be challenging in practice and may also have emotional or practical effects. It is essential to seek professional advice before starting a new lifestyle. Your doctor can also prescribe aspirin to help reduce the risk of stroke.
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Emotional changes are also common TIA and minor stroke symptoms. Some people become confused and forget things they did not remember a few months ago. People also report difficulty remembering numbers and money. They may also report feeling unaccustomed to things or experiencing loss of confidence. Nevertheless, these symptoms don't last long. Some people report crying, expressing sadness, and even interviewing their partners. But the majority of people experience no lasting physical effects of the stroke.
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After the TIA, patients may be given dipyridamole, an antiplatelet drug, aspirin, or a combination of these drugs. The medication is often taken in the form of an extended-release tablet, called Aggrenox. This medication can cause some side effects including headache, upset stomach, and diarrhea, but most people can recover within the first week of taking it. There is a high risk of bleeding with any of these medications, so patients should discuss any side effects with their doctor.