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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

TIA/Stroke Decision Support Module - Oren Zarif - Tia Stroke

TIA or transient ischemic attack is a short-term blockage in blood flow to the brain. The symptoms of a TIA can last anywhere from a few minutes to up to 24 hours and may not indicate a stroke. Although anyone can have a TIA, the risk increases with age and a history of stroke. People with cardiovascular disease and smoking are also at increased risk for TIA.

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TIA patients should be checked out by a specialized neurologist, and they should undergo a CT scan of the brain and MRI of the neck blood vessels. Several blood tests will also be ordered, as well as Doppler ultrasound scans of the main arteries of the neck. Additionally, the heart will have to be examined with an ECG and echo tests. Once a diagnosis of TIA stroke has been made, treatment should begin. Treatment may include reducing risk factors and avoiding high-risk situations.

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A TIA/stroke decision support module can be implemented in a GP's office in as little as two minutes. A TIA stroke decision support module mimics the functions of other decision support tools. The tool's design allows GPs to quickly identify a TIA and create a triage recommendation based on the ABCD2 risk score and New Zealand TIA guidelines. While the tool is new and has only been used in one MidCentral DHB, its implementation nationwide may help reduce the burden of stroke in the country.

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Despite the name, the TIA is not a true stroke. Rather, it is part of the ACVA group of diseases. The patient may not show any symptoms for a few minutes, but the symptomatology will quickly escalate. If the symptoms are ignored, they can worsen while waiting for treatment. However, stroke patients are often not permanently affected and should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible.

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TIA mimics are a common diagnostic challenge for physicians. Many of these patients will have transient symptoms and require urgent investigation or prevention. However, TIA mimics can lead to unnecessary investigations, incorrect diagnostic labelling, or inappropriate long-term prevention treatments. Therefore, it is essential to distinguish a TIA stroke from an ischemic stroke. So, the first step is to determine the type of symptoms that are present during the TIA.

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TIAs are often mistaken for a stroke. While the symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a stroke, TIAs are typically more minor, with milder symptoms. Although TIA symptoms can be frightening, they usually do not last more than a few hours. In some cases, the symptoms are even longer lasting and continue for days. TIA symptoms are temporary and can last up to 24 hours.

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TIAs are a warning sign that a stroke is on the way. If a TIA is the first sign of a stroke, the risk of a stroke occurring within 48 hours is about ten to twenty percent. Patients with TIAs should seek medical attention right away because the signs and symptoms of a stroke are similar. Patients will likely be admitted to a hospital for a workup to determine their risk for a stroke. If they are at risk of a stroke, prescription drugs may be prescribed to prevent blood clotting. They will also be scheduled for outpatient follow-up.

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A TIA may be triggered by several factors. For example, an altered alcohol intake, intercurrent sepsis, or missing antiepileptic medication may trigger seizures. A TIA can also be triggered by sudden standing or eating a large meal. These symptoms may occur several times a day or week. Some patients have a history of epilepsy, and this can also be helpful for identifying a TIA.

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A TIA is a warning sign of a major stroke. If a TIA occurs, the affected area may experience weakness on one side of the body or drooping of the face or arm. Other symptoms include slurred speech and difficulty speaking. Treatment for a TIA includes lifestyle changes and medication to prevent blood clots. Once the condition is confirmed, a person may seek further medical attention to treat the underlying cause.

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