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TIA/Stroke BPAC Module - Oren Zarif - Tia Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Many GPs are now using BPAC decision support modules to help them make decisions about patient care. A TIA/stroke module focuses on management of this acute medical condition and mimics the work of other BPAC tools. While this tool is new to New Zealand, it has already been used in MidCentral DHB. If implemented nationally, it could help reduce the burden of stroke on the country's health services. To learn more about how BPAC can help, click here.

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TIAs are defined as transient focal neurological symptoms that occur due to ischemia in the cerebral or retinal areas of the brain. TIAs typically last between one and two hours, but prolonged episodes are possible. The diagnostic certainty of TIA is based on the extent of the evaluation and if additional tests such as serum or neuroimaging are performed. However, the vast majority of TIAs last less than 30 minutes.

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The symptoms of TIAs usually mimic those of other known stroke syndromes. Depending on which arterial territory is affected, the symptoms may vary. Differentiating between these two conditions is essential for secondary prevention. For example, anterior circulation TIAs can cause hemiparesis or aphasia. Patients who suffer a TIA in the carotid territory may also experience transient monocular visual loss. In contrast, patients with strokes in the vertebrobasilar or brainstem circulation may experience vertigo.

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TIA mini stroke symptoms come in many forms. Often, these symptoms are ignored because they are easily explained by something like a trick knee or low blood sugar. Moreover, people may not be aware of these symptoms until they have skipped lunch. The symptoms of TIAs are often mistaken for other problems, and may even be the beginning of a larger stroke. And if this clot is not removed, the symptoms of a stroke can worsen.

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Despite its high risk for ischaemic stroke, TIAs can be prevented if the cause is correctly identified. As a result, guidelines recommend rapid assessment and the use of risk tools like the ABCD2 score, but they do not emphasize the difficulty of making a correct diagnosis. Therefore, this article explores the most common TIA mimics, as well as some less common ones. If you suspect a TIA, visit your primary care physician immediately.

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As soon as a TIA is suspected, an ECG is recommended. Further, prolonged cardiac monitoring is reasonable if the cause of the symptoms is unclear. TEE and echocardiography can detect aortic arch atherosclerosis or valvular disease. Despite these issues, the treatment of TIA can be managed without surgery. A TIA can also be prevented by preventing risk factors from recurring.

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While transient ischemic attack is a warning sign of a stroke, it can occur without warning. The symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a stroke. While the risk of death from TIA is high, the recovery time is usually relatively short. It is also recommended that you maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. When a stroke does occur, it is recommended that you seek medical attention.

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One study used a nested matched longitudinal cohort design to examine the risk of subsequent stroke after a TIA. The participants were matched by age and sex to five controls who had not had a TIA. At each visit, the participants gave their informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board at Boston University School of Medicine. It is important to note that the data gathered by these studies is still incomplete.

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A recent large multicenter study found that the risk of stroke and cardiovascular events after TIA remained high after the early stages. The study included patients evaluated at organized centers with stroke specialists, so its results cannot be generalized to a population with limited access to specialized care. This study also found that TIA is often an early warning sign of a stroke. In conclusion, TIA is an important medical condition to consider.

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