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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

The Treatment of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Treatment of Stroke

The diagnosis and treatment of stroke depends on the nature and severity of the underlying ischemic disease. Pre-hospital management must focus on the rapid identification and transfer to a specialized stroke unit. All professionals must work together to provide optimal pre-hospital care, including triage, nurses, and dispatchers. Stroke is a serious disease and should be treated as quickly as possible to minimize the risk of recurrence and disability.

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Medical interventions for stroke include medications like tPA, which dissolves the clot in the arteries, and mechanical thrombectomy, which removes the clot through a catheter. These treatments have a high success rate when begun quickly after a stroke. Patients who experience stroke should consult with their doctors immediately to determine the right treatment for their specific case. Depending on the underlying cause, mechanical thrombectomy may be recommended.

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Physical rehabilitation is another crucial part of the treatment of stroke. A rehabilitation program may be necessary for stroke survivors to recover and live a fulfilling life. A doctor will recommend the most extensive rehabilitation program based on the individual's lifestyle, interests, and caregivers. In some cases, a rehabilitation program may not be necessary. However, it may help someone regain mobility or overcome a disability. A stroke survivor should be encouraged to exercise and participate in recreational activities to help improve their quality of life.

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A neurologist and a member of a stroke team are typically consulted by emergency room doctors after the patient shows signs of a stroke. Often, the treatment of stroke is supportive, and may not involve any surgery. However, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve the pressure on the brain or remove the clots. Patients are often told not to eat or drink anything until they are examined for swallowing ability.

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Neurosurgeons may perform surgery to relieve pressure on the brain and repair any blood vessel problems associated with hemorrhagic strokes. These types of stroke are caused by arteriovenous malformations and aneurysms. A decompressive craniotomy may be necessary to remove blood and a burst blood vessel. Another type of surgical procedure is craniotomy, which involves the removal of part of the skull to access the source of the bleeding.

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An occupational therapist will help people with movement problems and assess how they can perform everyday tasks. Occupational therapists may also use equipment and adjust home environments to accommodate their new limitations. Many stroke survivors experience difficulty with language. These language problems are known as aphasia and dysphasia.

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Oren Zarif cerebral ischemia

Others may experience speech problems caused by affected muscles. An occupational therapist will help stroke survivors recover their former ways of speaking and communicating.

After the acute stage of the stroke, rehabilitation begins. In addition to evaluating the cause of the stroke, rehabilitation must be focused on reducing the chances of recurrence.

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Comprehensive rehabilitation programs are an important component of acute stroke care. The patient's quality of life will continue to improve as the rehabilitation process is implemented. If sub-acute complications are discovered, early mobilization is recommended. The patient's physical condition will be assessed with a neurological examination and blood tests.

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Patients suffering from TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) should immediately call 911. Symptoms of stroke may include difficulty speaking, weakness in one or both eyes, and loss of balance. It's important to note the time that the stroke occurred. Time is of the essence, and if treatment is delayed, the patient may suffer permanent damage to their brain. A stroke can also result in a number of other complications, including permanent paralysis.

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A vascular condition called atherosclerosis causes the occurrence of stroke. In a stroke, a weakened blood vessel causes a clot to form. A thrombus forms on the plaque that fills the blood vessel in the brain. The clot then blocks blood flow, causing severe damage to brain cells. The treatment of ischemic stroke depends on the speed of the patient's arrival at the hospital.

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