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The NIHSS Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Nih Stroke Scale

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The NIHSS is a multidimensional score used to evaluate the severity of stroke. The scale scores range from 0 to 42, with higher scores indicating more severe symptoms. It was developed by a panel of experts through a modified Delphi process. Originally, it was developed for clinical trials to compare the effects of different treatments. Today, it is being used for initial assessment and post-acute care planning. Here are some common uses of the NIHSS.

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NIHSS scores are administered in less than 10 minutes, and it provides a baseline for stroke treatment assessment and prognosis. NIHSS scores over 16 are indicative of high risk of death. The NIHSS can be administered by a physician, nurse, or EMS professional with training in stroke assessment. It also requires minimal space and no specialized equipment. This means that it is cost effective and easy to administer.

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The NIHSS also has several limitations. First, it fails to capture brain stem function. This type of stroke is rarer, and its natural history may differ from other types. As a result, the NIHSS fails to capture the unique characteristics of strokes that involve the brain stem. It also lacks a comprehensive list of stroke symptoms. Secondly, the NIHSS is prone to bias.

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Despite its limitations, the NIHSS is a useful tool for assessing stroke. Its high prognostic accuracy and interrater reliability are impressive. In a recent study, researchers found that acute NIHSS scores were significantly lower on the right side than on the left. This result suggests that right-sided stroke patients may have low scores despite significant lesion volume. So, what can we do to improve the NIHSS?

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The NIHSS is a popular way to assess a patient's stroke. The NIHSS consists of 11 items that measure a patient's ability to perform specific activities. A score of zero indicates normal function, while a score of four or higher means some level of impairment. The NIHSS total is calculated from the individual scores on each item, and the highest score is 42. This is one of the few stroke scales that accurately predicts damage.

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Besides improving patient care, the NIHSS score is also a useful tool in predicting the severity of a stroke. This score is the primary predictor of the next level of care for stroke patients. When combined with the Barthel index, it is a highly accurate tool for determining the severity of a stroke. The NIHSS score is an important tool in predicting stroke mortality. In fact, it is the single most important independent predictor of a patient's survival after stroke.

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Although minor strokes are no longer considered major, a NIHSS score of eight is generally a good indication for medical intervention. Moreover, the NIHSS threshold is highly variable between trials. Several recent RCTs have shown significant variability in NIHSS thresholds. The lowest threshold in the MRCLEAN trial was two. In the ESCAPE trial, it was not required that symptoms be "disable" for patients to receive treatment.

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In another study, Albers, Bates, Clark, Bell, and Hamilton (2000) studied 389 patients with ischemic stroke. The results of this study showed that a lower baseline NIHSS score predicted a better recovery. In fact, a five-point increase in NIHSS score decreased the chance of recovery by 22%, and a 10 point increase was a seventy-five percent decrease.

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However, there are still limitations of the NIHSS. The reliability of the scores is not established, so further research is needed to assess its reliability. To ensure high quality data, healthcare professionals must recertify their skills with the NIHSS and demonstrate continued competency in its use. This is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and care of patients. Therefore, NIHSS training and certification should be based on the latest standards of practice.

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