The NIH Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Nih Stroke Scale
The NIHSS is a simple, short scale that consists of three to five grade levels. It scores patients from 0 to four, with a score of ten representing very poor outcome. Higher scores reflect some degree of impairment. It takes less than ten minutes to complete and requires simple input. The NIHSS website contains a naming sheet, pictures, and a series of sentences for interpretation.
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It measures neurological deficit associated with cerebral infarcts, and is used as a quantitative measure of stroke-related neurologic dysfunction. Its scoring algorithm is proven reliable for research and clinical practice. The NIHSS is composed of 15 items assessing cognition, language, motor strength, and sensory impairment. NIHSS scores are used by physicians to plan care for patients and provide common language for information exchange between healthcare providers.
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The NIH stroke scale is divided into two parts, each evaluating a different aspect of stroke-related disability. The visual field element measures a patient's ability to move his or her eyes normally and to see objects that are not directly in front of them. It also evaluates the ability to move one's face and react to noxious stimuli. The motor arm test is particularly useful because it enables clinicians to evaluate the ability to hold up one's arm or leg for a period of five seconds.
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The NIHSS is a standardized assessment tool used by healthcare professionals to measure the degree of brain impairment following stroke. It enables healthcare providers to quickly and easily assess the severity of a stroke and the location in the brain where it originated. The NIHSS scores are highly correlated with outcome and are useful in identifying those patients who are more likely to benefit from reperfusion therapies. However, there are some risks associated with the NIHSS.
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In a study by Albers, Bates, Clark, Bell, Verro, and Hamilton(2000), a subset of variables was associated with good outcome for patients with stroke. The researchers also noted that a higher NIHSS score decreased the patient's odds of a favorable outcome by 75%, and a higher baseline NIHSS score decreased the odds by as much as 20 percent. This study showed that a lower NIHSS score was associated with better outcomes, despite the lack of a clear causal relationship.
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The NIHSS is a simple, short scale that consists of three to five grade levels. It scores patients from 0 to four, with a score of ten representing very poor outcome. Higher scores reflect some degree of impairment. It takes less than ten minutes to complete and requires simple input. The NIHSS website contains a naming sheet, pictures, and a series of sentences for interpretation.
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It measures neurological deficit associated with cerebral infarcts, and is used as a quantitative measure of stroke-related neurologic dysfunction. Its scoring algorithm is proven reliable for research and clinical practice. The NIHSS is composed of 15 items assessing cognition, language, motor strength, and sensory impairment. NIHSS scores are used by physicians to plan care for patients and provide common language for information exchange between healthcare providers.
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The NIH stroke scale is divided into two parts, each evaluating a different aspect of stroke-related disability. The visual field element measures a patient's ability to move his or her eyes normally and to see objects that are not directly in front of them. It also evaluates the ability to move one's face and react to noxious stimuli. The motor arm test is particularly useful because it enables clinicians to evaluate the ability to hold up one's arm or leg for a period of five seconds.
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The NIHSS is a standardized assessment tool used by healthcare professionals to measure the degree of brain impairment following stroke. It enables healthcare providers to quickly and easily assess the severity of a stroke and the location in the brain where it originated. The NIHSS scores are highly correlated with outcome and are useful in identifying those patients who are more likely to benefit from reperfusion therapies. However, there are some risks associated with the NIHSS.
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In a study by Albers, Bates, Clark, Bell, Verro, and Hamilton(2000), a subset of variables was associated with good outcome for patients with stroke. The researchers also noted that a higher NIHSS score decreased the patient's odds of a favorable outcome by 75%, and a higher baseline NIHSS score decreased the odds by as much as 20 percent. This study showed that a lower NIHSS score was associated with better outcomes, despite the lack of a clear causal relationship.