The Difference Between Cerebral Infarction and Brain Tumors - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction
One of the most common mimics of brain tumors is cerebral infarction. Generally, this is easy to differentiate from a brain tumor because of its typical imaging findings, particularly in the vascular distribution. However, cerebral infarction can be difficult to distinguish from a brain tumor if the patient's clinical course or history is atypical or unreliable. This article will discuss the differences between cerebral infarction and brain tumors and the symptoms and treatment of each.
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Silent infarcts are often preceded by mini-strokes, called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). These episodes can last a matter of minutes or even up to 24 hours. TIAs are often warning signs of stroke because they share the same symptoms. Patients with atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm abnormality, are at high risk for developing a silent infarct.
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Other complication of cerebral infarction is a buildup of fluid in the brain. It occurs when blood vessels become clogged. This causes a reduction of the blood supply to the brain. During this time, a fatty plaque or clot can form inside the blood vessel and travel to the brain. The resulting blood clot can damage the surrounding blood vessels and cause hemorrhage. The following are some of the symptoms of cerebral infarction.
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Although this condition often has a thrombus, a clot occluding an artery is the most common cause of cerebral infarction. There are several ways to remove this blockage. One is through surgical thrombolysis. The goal of this procedure is to dissolve the clot and restore proper blood flow to the brain. Another treatment for acute cerebral ischaemia is removal of the thrombus.
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Some other causes of cerebral infarction include embolism. A disseminated clot may originate from an arterial or a cardiac source. Some common cardiac sources of embolism are atrial fibrillation, bacterial endocarditis, and recent myocardial infarction. Patients with hypercoagulability, or hyperviscosity, are also at increased risk of this condition. This condition can result in sudden death, coma, and neurological damage.
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Researchers have found an association between cerebral infarction and several risk factors for vascular disease. In a study of young adults, cardiovascular risk factors were among the most common causes of this condition. However, the causes of vascular risk factors were not always clear. Approximately one-third of first-time cases were due to undetermined causes. It's important to note that the etiologies of cerebral infarction vary by age and race.
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Other risk factors for cerebral infarction include internal cartoid artery anomalies, arterial occlusion, and abnormal endothelium. These conditions can result in nonspecific symptoms, making diagnosis difficult. As a result, a meningeal biopsy may be required. Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy are also at increased risk of this condition. And, since cerebral infarction is often associated with other conditions such as hypertension, it can be difficult to distinguish between the different causes.
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Hypertension is widely recognized as a risk factor for stroke in the general population. However, some studies show that it may be a symptom of another medical condition. Patients with hypertension, for instance, are more likely to develop cerebral infarction than people with high blood pressure. While stroke is a life-changing event, hypertension can often contribute to the development of a cerebral infarction. If you have a history of diabetes, consult with your doctor about the risk factors that may be present.
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There are a variety of treatments for a cerebral infarction, including surgery. The main goal of this treatment is to reduce the pressure on the brain caused by the clot. Surgery can also help repair problems in the blood vessels that can result in a hemorrhagic stroke, such as aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations. Surgical clipping of an aneurysm can prevent it from bursting and from causing new bleeding.
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If you have an aortic arch plaque that is larger than 4 mm, you are more likely to develop a cerebral infarction. While this type of aortic arch plaques does not occur randomly, patients with this condition are at increased risk for recurrent stroke, peripheral embolism, and vascular death. Further research is needed to determine if a patient has this type of infarct and what causes it.